Thinking Of The Past......

Sep 13, 2018 04:24

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(*Recalls witnessing 'N______' long ago......, and recalls at that gloomy 'vacation' 'bible' 'school' 'church'*).

Yea. I am so......ready to move on.

If all I can do right direct my fledgling / still not fully awakened abilities in judgment at those old 'dens' 'of' 'devils', so be it.

There will be no 'getting' 'off' for me...about this.

(I was seeking a starship option...really...., and was ready to just walk away if such had appeared & *landed*........).

This is more about seeking closure (and justice)..... .

The 'hateful' ones in 'Carter*t' 'and' 'N*w' 'Han*ver'....'counties'....'imposed' 'ruin' 'at' me / my I was my most vulnerable. Rather than 'dying', or 'getting' 'depressed' though, I awoke abilities the likes of which the 'mean' 'old' 'Christians'' 'bibles' 'claimed' as 'God's' 'sole' 'domain'. (*Shakes my head*).

Oh. If I note some fake 'family' 'deleted', I might (???) note some 'land' 'titles' 'stuff' soon. I'm not really interested in that 'land' 'stuff'. (*Gags as recalls at that nasty old 'druggie' 'house'*). Nor 'land' 'tax' 'b******'.... .


If this test run st*rm does not get certain results, more.....drastic environmental events shall have to be looked into. (*Nods as thinks of meteors*).

training results, chilling

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