Who Was That Monkey Girl??? / Just Noted The '1980's'???

Aug 29, 2018 04:25

Right after the last post, albeit maybe after listening to some orchestral music, I had a lot of fluid world stuff seemingly go down...... .

I had ran some point from some false 'timeline' whereby I witnessed an unknown Negro XX chromosome type.....that had 'long' 'term' 'relationship' 'intentions' 'at' me. I did not even stick around for the vegetable dinner the one and the one's 'best' 'friend' offered to make (*cringes as recalls, to, my last post mentioning how I love / crave veggies*). (*Feels my toenails blazing with intrigue*).

Hmmmmm...... . Another "time storm" took poace, and I gasped in shock..soon...as I noticed the "rainbowy" and "fresh" environmental energy signature and atmosphere that used to be present in this realm about IIO decades ago.

The setting was dark...wherever I was (*blinks*). I soon heard at a Caucadian XX chronosome type voice...speaking at me in a 'patronizing' 'way' though, and heard at some reference about "summer vacation" (?????). I groaned....., but then I heard at the one start talking about how the school library would still be open for the summer (*cackles*)..... . I've always loved books, studying, and *school* *facilities* / *amenities*....., so I kinda just wished to note the bothersome 'adult' 'leave'.

Then I reminded myself about me...witnessing a '30's' 'Negro'...., and set to address that issue as soon as possible.... .

When light (*cCkles*) slowly came to the scene (!!!)..which seemed to be the school library I used to visit about III decades ago..., I saw at some freaky 'assemblage' of 'Chucky-like' 'dolls' 'muppets' that 'greeted' at me with 'high-pitched' 'voices'. I also might have heard at some soulless subanime 'fake' 'kids'. Me, perched on a bookshelf.....(!!!) and still in the middle of noting a "body size / form reversion" (so I noted like a 10yr old Negro...male)....dove from my perch spot, bundled a shadowy cloak around myself, and did a silly "greeting" whilst attenpting to disguise my voice... . I actually was aiming for my beyond anime body, my "little little kid" form.....till J spotted at that 'doll' 'legion' via my perch spot.

I wanted to hide my face until I had a suitable disguise (*chuckles*).

The area got pitch black....as if I summond liquid-like black area-wide shadows to the setting.

Uhh....., as I hid in a corner and tried to hide my face, some unknown dude kept trying to 'talk' at me.....(*cringe*). Me....though, before that, had been trying to focus....and focus as a means to see about shifting certain parameters of space and time.... . Shifting space and time parameters so I would note an anime or subanime 'Caucasian' '6yr' 'old' 'XX' 'chromosome' 'type' 'grafted' 'at' my existence..(which is not 'tough' really).

That all got put on hokd though.

Fearing the dude was a 'perv' though, I held...doing what I was doing, and possibly even went back to noting a '30's' 'Negro' 'graft'.....amidst hiding in the darkness..... .

Ummmm.....some black....and furry creature....that was not a 'rat'....approached me as I tried to hide, and nuzzled to my neck and collar (???). I was kinda confused...as I held my commando crawl....stealth position on the floor.... . Did the creature, whilst perched upon my shoulder / collar..., turn around to face something???


A...a face appeared..in the darkness to my left, possibly an illuminated face????

Urrr.....seems I witnessed a 'greenish' 'skinned' 'R*ssian' 'traits' 'XX' 'chromosome' 'type' that started talking some strange 'relationship' 'offer' 'stuff'.... . The one had a 'pointy' 'nose', and dark subanimesque hair that seemed to be placed up / put up?

I tried to run, but that was when I heard at 'more' 'XX' 'chromosome' 'type' 'voices'.

After that...I seemed to observe four to five....animesque entities (!?!!?!) do..doing 'animated' 'greetings'. I struggle to remember every detail, but I noticed one extremely 'colorful' animesaue being that had 'candy' 'yellow' 'hairstyle', and wore like a white blouse and a yellow school skirt. I laughed though. The entity made like an introduction, but then (???) seemed to have like a furred monkey form (???) shift / blip moment...with a purse still held and all? I laughed =^_^=.

Could I have...really...seen a monkey girl......??? Evidence to support that came {¡¡¡} when I noticed..(*blushingly facepalms*)......t...the being (!!!) show "interest" in me, and (*facepalms*)...do a certain gesture *O_O*.......(!!!!!).

I saw something, specifically a response of the being, that....I have never seen before in my III decades of time in this realm. Something not even 'anime' gives testament too *O_O*.

The being had a form variant which mortals woukd 'claim' 'tweenishness' 'at', but hyperdimensional beings seem to enjoy being in those forms (energy conservation maybe, or is it boosted mobility???).

I'll hold mentioning what I saw the being do / saw the being's body do, because I do not want subanime mortal XX chromosome type fakers and cheaters doing the same thing as was done with 'bre*st' 'implants' in the 90's, 'butt' 'implants' in the '2010's', and 'fake' 'thigh' 'gaps' from the 'mid' to 'late' '2010's'.

Yea..though. In hindsight, may e I sae a girl with long blue hair, albeit mid to light blue hair...., in the vicinity of whatever event happened.......earlier.

I wonder if the visuals happened due to my recent eye pain events.....IRL.....??? Yea, I usually witness grotesque crones and hags every night / day......during fluud world events these days...... .

Well, if the blonde being was real, I thank her for showing me what she did. Looks like there is no way to mistake if a being has romantic feelings for you in the real world. I mean, they can blush, they have blazing nails that literally glow with the light of their emotions, and then they even (????! ha..have the...tr....trait / capacity...that I saw..today (*blushes intensely*).

Ok. I'm gonna go dive now, and rest my eyes.........(after having had a super super super super spicy fried chicken, onions, and cheese omelet that was stuffed with fiery pepper sauce.......(as a means to help me eyes drain....since I note eyes that badically don't cry hardly ever lest I use the most intense pepper sauces in my food)).

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