This Is Real Life......Not 'Fiction'......

Jul 27, 2018 13:50

This is about the most transparent blog I have ever found..... .

There is no intended 'virtue' 'signaling' here.

This is a blog focused around results, and the specific actions taken to have ***DEMONSTRABLE*** results.

Because of my long-planned actions and my choices....I have a professional level l* a resort-level setting....

... . A l*pidary full of all the necessary tools, and a virtually limitless supply of g*mstones available...thanks to the r*ver across the street.

Due to my choices I have this...rather than four 'ghetto' 'baby' 'mommas'..., 'four' 'out' 'of' 'wedlock' 'thugged' 'out' 'hood' 'spawn', and 'mounting' 'child' 'support' 'costs'.

Due to my choices I now have a standard of living that I have not even noted 'white' 'privilege' 'boosted' 'oth*rkin' '/' 'fict*onkin' match. Even noting unfair 'racism', even noting the 'deck' 'stacked' 'against' 'at' me......, and even noting the '*therkin' 'and' 'f*ctionkin' 'ones' having an unfair 'racial' 'advantage', here I am with the fully stocked l*pidary....and *ALL* *BY* *MYSELF* living such a lifestyle / level of living. I can't even find and enjoy a ***single*** adventure packed blog.......for either inspiration nor "emotional support"...when I come on the internet. Apparently...only I can mine, travel overseas, go on wilderness adventures, and run a house free from 'drama' inside of it.

(Ya. And I am not applauding that.... . I AM ***LONELY***. I hope I am not the only being in existence with self control and control of my emotions).

That all said, let's get to my main topic.... / my main point of this post.


After writing the last post....I was deeply confused.

A dimension / diving and fluid world event eventually came along..... .

I was utterly confused as I noticed a subanime 'brunette''XX' 'chromosome' 'type' with 'long' 'hair' approach at me.... . The one had on blue to darkish jeans, and maybe a long sleeve or short sleeve shirt.... . Was I in a classroom? Well, the environment was fluid, so within moments.....I stood to what seemed like a tarmac (for planes / jets / starships) of sorts.

Avoiding at the 'brunette', I turned and walked.... .

Ummmmm....... . I found myself (!?!?!?!!!!!!??) soon halting my walking due to noting something like a plane / jet boarding platform (with steps) that had materialized (!??!?!) underneath at my feet. I was to the last step (!!?!) / highest step of the platform..... .

Before I could turn around and step down the steps of the platform, I gasped and I noted the 'brunette' sorta me (!?!?!) and nestle 'it's' 'face' at the left side of mine. (*Recalls now...perhaps at the one's top, the dark green shirt / top...which had like perhaps black mini lines / stripes on it*).

I gasped in confusion and worry, and seemed to ask...even then and there if I witnessed the 2016 'author'.

Everything went black for a moment (!!!?!), but when I next saw a setting, I noted (???) some sort of 'semi' 'futuristic' 'airship' or 'starcraft' 'interior', and I was sitting? (*Winces*).... . Yea, and I jumped / lurched / after I noted the 'brunette' perhaps (???) buckling some flight belt.....that was around at my waist. The subanime entity was at my left side? At my right though, I witnessed some unknown boy...that the subanime entity had brought along.

I....I detected that the subanime entity at my left intended something akin to a 'compromise' (*shakes my head*)...... .

As soon as I heard at the engine of the white...vehicle, I was sure that I was not noting a 'usual' 'stagnant' 'style' 'sluggish' 'jet', but likely a 'starship'.

Unh unh. I was hesitant..... . Rather than shooting into the skies and then heading for the stars, I soon saw / noticed a regular..."fluid world default" location (the coastal planes of / from a couple decades ago).... . The vehicle went into electricity lines......, and then got "grounded".....soon after that?

Lol. The fluid world event...took a trippy turn, and I soon noticed a '1990's' 'bully' 'dude' (*cackles*) suddenly appear 'in' the interior of the vehicle..... .

But then some sort of "vision state" overtook me, and it was as if I noted some force 'questioning' at my hesitance...... .

U...urgh. What followed was me remotely witnessing / viewing...horrible.....'images' of a 'carnal' 'nature' (*recalls at the 'ghostly' 'yellow' 'light' of the 'scene'). I tried to close my eyes, cover my eyes, but my point of view then and there...did not seem to even have hands or eyes. Filled with terror, dread, and disgust, I just wanted to get back home to the mountain sanctuary. Was I viewing at the 'memories' or 'past' of some entity? (*Feels nauseous*).


Venturing a guess, I surmise I notice some force 'selling' 'bait' at my past dual trial references and queries from II years ago.

What are my thoughts? I am hoping this is a solo trial....... . Because if it is, I have done (according to last June) just about everything necessary to win. If this is a solo trial, even if I did not have access to the l*pidary anymore....and noted 'homelessness' again, victory could be just a hour / day / week / month / year away.....due to my past ***CHOICES***.

I dodged at traps, kept focus, adhered to my policies of discipline, recorded details in writing, and made my way straight for the truth.

I am hoping this is a solo trial. (*Notices my heart aching*).

Rather than some animesque plot scenario about 'rekindling' a 'horrifically' 'damaged' 'relationship'......and 'making' 'a' 'better' 'world' 'together' with that '2016' 'author:....(as is being 'sold' at me by 'certain' 'forces'), I deeply wish for a world that rewards hard work......, specifically hard work sacrifically done for the sake of absolute peace for all lifeforms across all space, all existence, and all time.

I did not get this far by 'compromise' and 'offering' 'forgiveness'........ .

Also, while I may have witnessed 'godlike' 'power' had by that 'brunette', I did not actively sense and perceive Starry Maiden's characteristic warmth / mirth / love (which supports my solo trial theory).... .

(*Nods*). As for the ship thing.......there is no way I would want to be trapped on a ship with someone I can't even trust to be present in my mountain sanctuary house.... .

Yea, I'mma get in the l*pidary ASAP. That with hopes, prayers, and dreams of a healthy, happy, and safe....Starry Maiden on my mind.

Even if a dual trial *was* real, so long as I did everything I could to provide help (all the free information in this journal).....I think Starry Maiden would want me to take the next / nearest blue expanse event and immediately return to the hyperdimensional overworld plane, and that..even if she had to go through another III decades or so...of intense pain. I would not be meant to 'force' the truth 'at' her.

fluid world

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