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*Swoons in lunchtime ecstasy =^_^=......*.
Mmmmmmm~~~........ .
Me love living here. The trees and g*mstones...shower this place with such a radiant energy..... . (*Swoons*).
This place is so romantic ~~~~. Too, there's no b*n*rkillers to ruin at the mood, the romance, 5he peace, the mirth, and the energy.
Living here is delicious~~~...... .
Good living? It requires ***boundaries***. That art the true meaning of "virginity'. (*Swoons to the vibe of cosmic streams of energy..., and that amidst hearing
guitar tones*)...... . Indeed, proper boundaries. Indomitable boundaries. The blue place event that captivates me to no end, was a graduation / progression of any and all aspects of life thoroughly enjoyed in this house.
The blue place was virginity in it's purest and most radiant form (*nods in total agreement*). Limitless purity, limitless energy, no 'entropy', no 'damage', sheer perfection......(*exhales in ecstasy to the memory*).
Better boundaries, better lifestyle......seems to be the case.
(*Swoons in peace*).
(*Yearns to dance in the flowing robes of my that sacred blue place.....someday*).
(*Feels the star in my heart pulsating brightly*).