Jun 19, 2017 15:54
In an eerie twist of events, I keep experiencing chest pains / heart issues / breathing issues during *dimension* *dives*.......as well as fluid world events.
However, since I have noted Mr. N / Negro Man.....'resurrected' again and again, and even after noting 'stage' 'four' 'heart' 'failure'....., I am relaxed and casual about the matter....... . I'll speak more on this later though.
Alright. Evaluation time. What abilities of mine can I now regularly prove IRL?
Locally, quite a bit. (*Prays in thanksgiving to the beings who have supported me*). I have made a name for myself locally with my emotion triggered lightning storms (which often present a ring of blue sky over me....amidst the high winds and lightning bolts). I also have (*facepalms*) emotion triggered EMP capabilities...... . J, H, and those of a local church......'figured' 'out' at how I get triggered...... . Yea. My abilities get triggered at whores, prostitutes, immoral XX chromosome types, cowards, threats at my friends, and threats at my life...... .
Because of this, it would ***not*** be a good idea for any 'average' 'soulbonders' '/' 'otakukin' '/' 'otherkin' .....(which as of yet are only presented as unstable psychiatric junkies / psychiatric drug junkies.........and / or unstable and perverted liberal freakshow chicks with the same old common piercings and dyed hair)......to 'approach' me IRL..... .
Yea. As much as I try to be logical, clear-headed, and mentally focused, my abilities (*shakes my head*) are ***CONSISTENTLY*** related to raw and primal emotions........ . When I am burning upset..., like last Autumn / Winter, the local environment burns with me...............and the air smells like a wood-burning stove. When I am calm.....as I have been for the last couple weeks, the local summer temperatures are mild and the days are calm. I'm very embarrassed about this really...... . It's like my emotions are on display to the world........... .
The key to my awakening and consistently wielding my abilities...., as embarrassed as I am to admit it, pertains to emotions and emotional health.......... . This ***reeeeeaaaaaaaaaally*** puts me in a spot (*feels nervous flutters in my tummy*).
(*Groans*). Embarrassed as I am to admit it, I have emotional needs *O_O*...... .
I wonder what my emotional needs are then? What do I need? (*Ponders*)........... . What am I supposed to do???
(*Recalls an event from earlier*)........ . Hmmm? Earlier today during a dimension dive or fluid world event......it seems I cast some kind of magic at J the min*ing man.....(Heather's spouse). Indeed, and that amidst a min*ng run of some sort. I noted J 'ranked' 'up' (*shivers*) '/' 'evolved' to an 'elite' 'high' 'anime' XX chromosome type......that was wearing 'mage's' 'armor' or some such.......O_O. (*Considers at the 'gender' 'dysphoria' outbreak '/' 'madness'...that has dominated post 2000s mankind*). The high anime J had red hair with a shimmer / sheen akin to that of an anime R*by, and was the kind / type that anime guys would '*drool*' over.............. . The elite anime chick J dropped a huge hexagonal S*phhire / C*rundum specimen into a m*ning cart that was just *loaded* with gemstones......... . I think I spotted at more 'transformed' 'ones' approach the cart, high anime level....anime XX types....(two?). (*Recalls, after that, spotting at an anime level Hermione akin one that strangely approached at me....whilst pointing and maybe even brandishing a wand*).
Hmmmmmm..... . (*Has flashbacks to fuzzy-haired little Akane*)........ . I would love to have playmates and mining buddies.....with cool abilities........, *SANITY* and *INSTINCTUAL* *MORALITY* being the best of those (too)........ . (*Ponders*). Subanime XX and XY chromosome types are not capable of play, playing, m*ning, magic, and friendship.......though...... . So what do I do???
Maybe I need to note an 'all' 'futanari' 'anime' 'world' 'transformation' for observation purposes. Where I witness ones that are not hyperdimensional beings, no, but...ummm...., XXXY chromosome types...... . (*Thinks about the gender related Mandela Effect events observed thus far*). I guess I would need to witness 'both' 'futanari' 'types' (???? uh XXXY and 4X???) for education purposes if so???
Hmmm. I'll need to hold with the experimentation at J though. I do not want to harm / change his marriage. I do not want to unwittingly force him to start wearing red wigs and ridiculous dresses IRL.......whilst he is still in a subanime male state (*cringe*).............. .
self assessment,
the mandela effect,
self evaluation,