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(*Burns totally red*)..... . Okay, I am confused.......(*gulps*).
So....for the last couple of nights, I, even accompanied by thunder booms IRL, have been thinking of her (*blushes red*). My angelic princess of hope, my hyperdimensional and original Nina........ . I had been gathering mana / data processing headroom for a contact event involving her....... .
Well...late late last night, whilst in bed, I felt and sensed a presence (*blush*) get close and cuddle up to me (*gulps*). Something like a black expanse event.....took place *O_O*....IRL....., and before me (!!!), um, upon me (*gulps*), was vulnerably clothed....(utterly filled *O_O*...tan blazer top and school uniform attired) and "grown up"...Iris *O_O*..., hyperdimensional and waaaaaay beyond anime limitations true / original Iris...... . (*Just now understands that I must've noted dragon Pokemon handler anime Iris....and dragon dude related anime Nina are 'linked'..and even one and the same*).
Yea.... . Ummm.... . My heart raced (*grins happily and yet shyly*).... . I mean, she was so beautiful ~~~, so lush~~~, so *TRUSTING*. She rested upon my collar, and I sensed relaxed and trusting love ~~~~...from her. I felt love for her, and my heart my mana concentration levels rose, forming a cloud / field around me...... . (*Goes totally red again*). (*Rubs my scalp in a mystified manner*). I heard"exhalation" from my beloved (*gulps*), and felt (???) something stir within her.......*O_O*. She sat up somewhat, and, looking into my eyes with her beautiful and wavery-seeming / tearful eyes...., vulnerably said the words "I'm hungry~~~~".... . (*Nods*). And said those words to me in a way that....t.that seemed to be both begging (*blinks*) as well as a vulnerable and delicate confession / admission...... . As she sswooned..., I caught a glint of a little fang inside her mouth...... . She was soo cute (*laughs*) *^_^* ~~....... . (*Feels my fingernails glowing with adoration*).
But then my empathy came online, and I sensed her emotions??? I was *FLOORED*....with *hunger*!!! *HER* hunger...... . Her *emotions* of hunger (so hunger is also an emotion???)..... . This was no joking manner, and she was not a callous, aloof, cold, and lifeless XX chromosome type.... . There was no time for games, no time for 'dating' 'drama'. As she went woozy with hunger, I embraced her....even as I was woozy myself.... . Something physiological and spiritual was going on with her. Something related to hunger....., something related to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual (*gulps*) cravings.... . She needed my mana, my love energy, and the situation actually seemed medically urgent.... .
So I hugged her, releasing my mana from my heart, and it felt like I was inundated by an immeasurable amount of energy, her energy..... . It was then that I felt and realized that "I" was hungry on my own (*gulps*)...., and I fainted to the volume of the delicious and nourishing cosmic energy that I received and needed, needed and received....... .
When I next woke, I perceived a black expanse (!!!!)....... . I was standing, and I guess noting an 'anime' 'transformation'...because whilst I noted a Negro dude grafted at me initially, I.....suddenly noted an anime chick (???) in a 'blue' 'longskirt' (*cringe*) grafted at me.... . My attention though was focused at the weird dude.....'facing' 'off' at me.... . My guard was I noted a gangly and sickly anime dude with black, brown, and maybe even purple colors layered goth hair.......facing off at me and freaking out 'internally'.... . He had on a top, and like striped purple and black legging things.......(*winces*) (*cringes*) (*feels my stomach sink*). I must've noted 'jelly' Finky........ . Twas the initial time for me to witness Finky's anime dude body...... . Oh no.... . (*Gawks*).............................. .
......................... .
Did I...unexpectedly find that he had been 'watching' at what had happened??!?!!??!!!???!??
Oh no..... . (*Suddenly hears at an angry voice screaming an accusation at me*). (*Gawks*).
Ummm...., I charged my mana..., detached my star-like form from my bipedal body somehow, and prepared a stellar wind...claw blast type move..... . After gathering a certain amount of mana, I released a blast that landed at the opponent's neck.
I cringed at the thud....I heard next..... .
(*Laughs nervously*)..... . That Finkles is a mess.....:P! Creating all that drama (*facepalms*)...... . Maybe I did another reset, and thus can witness 'resurrected' Finky yet again soon.... . Why do I always note 'Finky' so 'jelly' at Iris / Nina???? Facing off at me like a scorned 'luver' off a Jerry Springer show....... . (*Laughs*). Aaahahahahahahahaha!!! I gotta laugh lol :P. Dang..... . So I note Finky *DID* 'intend' a classic 'h3ll' 'style' 'relationship' at me......... . Well, I know this. I sure do not hate Finky.
All that's left now, I guess, is noting Finky's anime pseudogoddess 'Dawn' 'form'......... .
I thank Nina and all of our hyperdimensional family members for today's lessons. I also thank you, Nina, for showing me what true love, and a true relationship is about. Yea. That Finky 'never' hungered for my mana....... . 'Never' hungered for mana (during my times of observation anyway........).