First of, I'd like to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who allowed me to use their vids for the show! Without all of you, this couldn't have been made possible. So without further ado, here is the playlist for "Made in the UK" in the order that the vids were played. I am just gonna list the fandoms, but make sure to check them all out because they are all awesome!
di_br -
A Study in Time - Doctor Who (new) / Sherlock
theanonsisters -
All The Same - Demons / Ashes to Ashes / Identity
frenya -
Never Gonna Stop - Primeval
chasarumba -
Gemini - Jekyll
gigglemonster -
Blue - Hot Fuzz
cherryice -
T.K.O. - Life on Mars
raspberry_splat -
My Skin - Doctor Who (new)
chayiana -
9 to 5 - Merlin
tearful_eye -
Private Goes Public - Law & Order: UK
jagwriter78 -
Not A Virgin Anymore - Secret Diary of a Call Girl
isagel -
I Wanna Hold Your Hand - Blood in the Wire
mareeana -
My Delirium - Ashes to Ashes
odessie aka Nancy Blackett -
Moving Right Along - Doctor Who (old and new)
humansrsuperior -
Get Your Coat - Sherlock
rhoboat -
Walking With a Ghost - Life on Mars / Ashes to Ashes
dreamrequiem -
The Rules of Mice and Men - Rome