I have the super coolest nephew in the world!

Jan 24, 2010 16:22

Yup, I do. Just because he was a pest for grandma until she said she was taking him to buy me this:

So, happy birthday to me, wheeee! I'll post more later about that... why I actually wanted to post is the pic above and the text below....

One of my friends from way back when stopped by this afternoon. I don't know how it started, but we got to talk about how as kids, we'd always pick at each other because she liked one boygroup (Caught In The Act) and I liked another (Worlds Apart..... my sister had taken claim on the Backstreet Boys and another friend was totally Take That, so I couldn't have them XD And New Kids On The Block had just split which I was still mourning......) Anyways, my friend is still in the loop about the guys of Caught In The Act, so we decided we could google Worlds Apart (who btw were a total casting band.... put together by Simon Cowell!) and see what the guys are up to now. I confess, I thought Steve Hart (the front man) was the hottest guy on Earth. So we found this. It's Steve Hart now. Still totally hot as shit if you ask me. Now here comes the funny part. He just became a daddy for the first time.... guess who the mom and his significant other is - Ashley Scott from Birds of Prey. HUH! 
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