Bad Idea

Nov 11, 2005 01:56

I decided to finally update my MySpace since I hadn't done so since I got it. Yet, when I started to update the blog, I got a little carried away with expressing myself... heh.

If I actually posted this, I might have had a LOT of MySpacers wanting to kill me...
or wanting to "kill themselves"; either or.

This is what I didn't post:

Ok, it's been a while. I got a friend request, which reminded me that I had a MySpace. So, I figured I'd update. Maybe I'll keep up with it this time, but I don't know. I like my Livejournal so much better. MySpace is complicated and, oh, I don't know... emo? Not that I have anything against emo music.

I just think that middle school and high school kids who constantly think that "life sucks" is a style in itself are really sick. Like writing "Life is misery" all over their notebooks when they go out and laugh with their friends all the time -- enjoying life, not pretending to. They listen to music about sadness and say they want to slit their wrists because life is pain. If you want to do that stuff, then you have depression problems and need help. Copying off the "cool" music you listen to isn't a joke.

There are people out there who really DO have tough lives -- kids starving with no home, people sick or dying around them, abusive parents, no parents at all, kids who are sick themselves.

The emo kids sit at home on their MySpace (because their parents can actually AFFORD the internet, not to mention the house, the food, health insurance, new cars) complaining to all their 84 friends about how their parents won't buy that skateboard they wanted to impress a boy/girl, so they're going to go write a song about it, (on the guitar they can't play for crap) about how much they hate life and how they want to end it all.

I just want to scream:

Life really doesn't suck THAT much!! Yes, there are the tough times, but jeez! You're complaining MORE because it's a FAD. Does that seem wrong to you? So your boyfriend of 12 hours dumped you for a girl wearing more skater clothes than you. Do you realize how shallow that is? If you're worrying over such superficial crap, then yes, maybe your life DOES suck -- because it has NO depth whatsoever.


Maybe just a taaaaad harsh. But oh well. Just my opinion. I mean, yeah, being a teenager in high school and middle school is tough... that's when kids are finding themselves, making they're own identities and all that coming of age stuff. It IS painful.

But being depressed is not a style... it's a serious thing. If they're talking about slitting their throats and cutting off fingers because it's what everyone else is doing...

then I don't know. It's like crying wolf.

Who out there is REALLY in trouble?

(Sorry if my venting offended anyone)
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