As I was stepping out of my shower yesterday, a scream erupted from me. A green lizard was staring at me from the comfort of my bathroom rug. He ran landing on my clothes hamper crawling steadily up it, while keeping one eye on my less-than-clothed self. When he was about to put himself INSIDE my hamper - I jumped to action and said, "No, not in there!"
The lizard reconsidered his actions (maybe he's had experiences with naked blondes before and knows we are a bit reactionary when invaded by reptiles) - and jumped for my wall. He missed. He reoriented himself and headed into my BEDROOM! Visions of waking up to a lizard crawling up my leg sent me into what can only be described as a panic.
The wise lizard made a break for my door and quietly sat there as I managed to get dressed. I thought I would try to coach him out the front door (which happens to be about 3 feet from my bedroom door), but he had other thoughts. He made another jump and landed in my lei, hanging on the door knob. I didn't see him again.
I keep announcing myself when I enter rooms and making it known he better not even thinking about sharing my bed. I don't know where he is - but if I find him... I'll probably scream, jump and point. Being that I live alone, this is not very helpful. I think the lizard has already won. I wonder what he likes to sleep in?
The truly insane part of this is that I bought my house over 9 years ago and until last November the lizards and I were not on a first name or even acquaintance basis. Last year about this time, a brown lizard took up residence in my bathroom behind the wire rack with the towels and my jewelry. That ended with
libidoergosum crawling around on my floor to capture and relocate it. I can still hear his exclamation when he got bitten, and not in a nice way.