The list, revised w/o the things I accomplished ^_^
Only a half strike, but a strike nonetheless--> 1) Meet up with old friends :3
2) Glomp a Kisame<--OMFG!!!
3) Steal an Akatsuki's hat
4) PWN someone with Masamune Hey...I STILL DON"T HAVE MASAMUNE BACK! >.O
5) Rock the Cosplay Event
6) Summon Piano Squall
7) Arrange the Ed vs Envy Photoshoot again <--It rained and we didn't even get to do the FMA photoshoot ;_;
8) Aimlessly wander and find the random army men
9) Last minute blitz the final sales at the commercial hall
10) Get PWNd by a tonberry...again XD;
More fun stuffs that happened, I MOLESTED THE TURKS! *evil laughter* And then they won o.O I must just be lucky like that. Tseng has comfy feet!
Yattas did a different skit but it was totally awesome. I'm sorry if I scared you, Dane, I was just really happy to see you XD;
Bad stuffs that happened...I LOST MY PANTS! And all my Envy stuff that was in them.
On a lighter note, our resident miracle seamstress Beefy was able to aid me with ductape and extra black cloth ^___^
A LINK TO OUR COSPLAY SKIT! Even though it pretty much sucked because the music was louder than the words...VANESSA, lol jk. Pictures should be coming soon for those who read this and want them ^_^
Oh, and those wondering why I'm not at school right now, I'm sick...with the barfo DX
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! ^____^ And we all missed you, Kupo <3
Bis Bald!