LOTR RPS: Smack the Dog 7

Oct 12, 2007 10:40

Chapter 7: Caught In The Act


The morning had brought forth many discoveries. Such as exactly how many groups of muscles could hurt at the same time, for example. Sean had spent much of the time trying to walk properly, and had avoided sitting for nearly all of it. Viggo had vanished again, although this time with a camera and the statement that he had to photograph something before the light differed. Or along those lines anyway; Sean had been too busy focusing on his bruised hips (with added nail patterns) at that point to really care what was going on with the outside natural light.

The Council scene had been set for the afternoon, and the majority to be filmed in the next day or so. Sean was hoping for the “so”, and a quick “so” at that. He had seen the Council chairs and they all looked extremely hard and unforgiving to bruised and abused rears. No one ever considered these things.

After all, he hadn’t.

Orli was busying himself in the kitchen again, hurrying slightly to be able to nip off to wardrobe and makeup. Sean lounged by the doorway, watching this slightly surreal picture of domesticity.

“ You ready?” Orlando glanced at the best before date of a half used jar of mayonnese before shoving it back in the fridge, aiming the comment over his shoulder.

“ I guess,” Sean watched him bounce from fridge to freezer. Not once had either his partners commented on what had happened the night before, as though they had both suffered a visit from the amnesia fairy.

“ I can’t believe you’re not eating,” tutted Orli. “ If your stomach starts rumbling through Hugo’s speeches he’s not going to be happy,”

“ I’ll buy him a beer,”

“ You think he’s going to be bribed by that?”

“ Okay, I’ll buy him two beers. And a bag of nuts.” Sean paused, and really wished he hadn’t mentioned the nuts. Thankfully, the connection seemed only huge in his own mind as Orli continued to patter around. Finally, the younger man stopped and looked in satisfaction at the gleaming kitchen.

“ Right, I’m off. They’ll want you on set soon, you know,”

“ Yes mum.” Sean rolled his eyes. Orlando shrugged, and made his way past him.

“ How you feeling by the way?” he added casually.

“ Me?” Sean looked surprised. “ Fine. Shouldn’t I be?”

Orli shrugged, his eyes away from Sean. “ I dunno. You could be .. well…,” There was a heavy pause. “ Well, I’ve got to be going,” He grabbed his keys from the console table in the hall and made haste towards the door.

“ You’re in a hurry,” commented Viggo, appearing in his usual fashion. Orlando shrugged, pecked a kiss on Viggo’s cheek and disappeared through the now open door calling back something about makeup. Viggo raised his eyebrows, shook his head slightly, and closed the door with a quiet click. The camera was carefully deposited on the console table.

Viggo paused to study the blonde still leaning against the kitchen doorframe.

“ Poor Orli,” he said mildly. “ spending all that time cleaning the kitchen only for the scruffiest thing to be ignored. You look like you could do with a bath,”

Sean eyed him warily. “ I think I can manage without one.”

“ Ah, but can the rest of us?” Viggo walked through to the kitchen, and retrieved the coffee jar.

” I did have a shower last night,” protested Sean.

“ Yes, I remember Orli complaining you had stolen all the hot water,” mused Viggo, spooning the coffee into his mug. “ Not that the little tyke doesn’t do that to me. Nothing I do seems to alter that particular habit.”

“ I imagine you’ve tried a lot,” the caution was creeping back into Sean’s voice. Viggo tested the kettle, discovered a lack of hot water, and started to fill it up.

“ Oh, a fair amount, certainly,” agreed Viggo. “ That table in the gym for example. The one you seemed so fascinated with yesterday morning,”

Sean was slightly speechless. “ That was over a shower?”

Viggo gave a glance in his direction. “ I take my showers very seriously,”

“ Evidentally,”

The kettle was switched on with a loud click, and Viggo turned to face his onlooker with the usual blank expression.

“ So talk,” he said. Sean blinked.

“ About…?”

“ You’re a smart boy. You’ll figure it out,” Viggo folded his arms, and leaned back against Orli’s spotlessly clean kitchen units. “ I assume you haven’t been upsetting Orli again?”

“ No. We talked about breakfasts and Hugo, mostly,” Sean eyed Viggo cautiously. A flicker of a smile crossed the older man’s face.

“ Hugo? Should I be jealous?”

“ Not unless you’re really stuck for beer,” Sean replied idly. Viggo turned his head to watch the kettle for a few seconds, then his gaze slid back to Sean.

There was a silence. One of the expectant silences that just begged to be filled up with something. Sean had a sudden desire to start smashing a few plates just to get the silence off his back.

“ I’ve got nothing to talk about,” he said finally. Viggo looked faintly surprised.

” After yesterday? How very relaxed of you,”

“ Well, yeah, what’s there to talk about?” replied Sean uncomfortably. “ I agreed. It happened. That’s it really,”

“ Hmmmm,” The kettle clicked off, but Viggo didn’t turn his attention away from Sean. “ Well, at least you’re still here. That says something,”

“ Exactly,” Sean said in relief.

“ Whilst your expression is saying entirely another. Even considering any possible physical .. uh.. side-effects, every time I pass you appear to be so stiff the hobbits could use you as a surf board,” Viggo’s eyes held Sean’s steadily. “ Now why would that be?”

“ I think I’m allowed to be wary,”

“ Do you?” Viggo’s voice was soft.

“ For God’s sake, Vig, I’m black and blue!” protested Sean.

“ As well as over exaggerating,” Viggo watched him for a few more moments, then turned to busy himself with the kettle. “ Did you want a drink?”

“ I’m fine, thanks,” Sean folded his arms stubbornly.

“ Ah, yes, of course you are.” Viggo stirred the coffee and moved back to his original position. “ So -“

“ Look, this is all good fun but I’ve really got to be going,” Sean moved away from the door frame. Viggo’s eyes narrowed, unused to such behaviour.

“ You can’t run from the topic, Sean,”

“ Watch me,” muttered Sean under his breath.


Sean managed to get through the makeup and the trailer without having to speak to either of his partners more than the occasional goodwill gesture which was expected by the world at large. Huge rifts in the cast were not likely to be popular on any level; on the plus side at least this was the scene where he could legitably scowl at both Viggo and Orli without raising eyebrows.

Or fists.

The chairs were as they promised, hard and uncompromising. Sean slid down as far as he could get away with without actually falling off, trying to ease the pressure in a nonchalant way. Thankfully this managed to get directorial approval.

Throughout much of the day’s shooting, Sean was conscious of Viggo’s eyes resting steadily on him, as though examining him for faults. Boromir’s scowl deepened, and exchanges were given at the appropriate script points, although the actually messages that were being passed seemed to have no relation to the outside world. Viggo’s slightly amused expression faltered slightly at Sean’s glare, one of the few glimpses where it was clear that the older man was not intirely in control as he would have liked.

After they had been released from duty, Sean sped to the trailer to be finished before the others. Viggo normally enjoyed a good chat about the days development, and Orli was normally in the vicinity at this point too. Praying to the gods of lateness, Sean started to strip himself of his costume.

“ Are you still going to tell me that there’s nothing the matter?” Viggo’s voice floated to him softly from behind him. Sean paused in unlacing his boots, but didn’t turn. The gods obviously hated him today.

“ What makes you say that?” the words didn’t sound casual even to him.

“ You’ve been looking like you want to gut me all today. I’ve just had Elijah query whether I’ve insulted your soccer team,”

“ I don’t want to gut you.” Sean got back to his boots.

“ Well, that’s very good to hear.” Viggo sat on one of the chairs. “ So there’s absolutely no relation to last night then.”

“ None whatsoever,” One boot came off. The other was treated to slightly shaking fingers.

Viggo made a “hmmmm,” noise, and idly glanced at the photo collection he had started on the mirror.

“ You have a right to be confused, you know,” Viggo’s voice was mild.

“ I’m not confused.” Sean almost growled it out.

“ You’re not confused? That’s great. So what are you then?”

The boots were off and therefore the excuse for not looking at the older man lounging casually in the chair had been removed. Sean didn’t even want to think of taking off any further clothing, just in case it encouraged people. And it was no doubt draughty.

“ I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sean finally looked back at Viggo. Viggo was still gazing at the photo collection.

“ I’m wondering whether you’re gay,” he said finally.

“ No. I’m not.”

“ So you would classify yourself as bisexual?”

“ I’d classify myself as getting bloody well pissed off,” snapped Sean. Viggo seemed undisturbed by this statement, still idly looking at the photowall.

“ I’m just concerned that perhaps the denial has not entirely vanished from your mind, Sean. You don’t seem the happiest person on the set at the moment,”

“ You, concerned about me?” Sean snorted and turned back to unbuttoning his tunic.

“ Me, concerned about you, yes. I’m not entirely an asshole you know,”

“ You hide it well,” muttered Sean.

“ I leave it up to you. You do it so much better,” there was the hint of steel appearing in Viggo’s voice.

” I try,”

Viggo picked up a pen and began playing with it idly, his eyes turning to Sean’s back. Sean was aware of a large amount of silence being aimed at him again. This was beginning to become repetitive.

“ I don’t know what you want me to say, Vig,” Sean snapped finally. He stiffened as he heard Viggo stand from his chair and move across behind him, his hand resting gently on Sean’s shoulder.

” I want,” the soft voice said. “ you slightly more enthusiastic with your current position. I can understand confusion,” the hand drifted across his shoulder lightly. “ but I’m not too happy with this anger being aimed at the outside world. The outside world might start asking questions, and that’s something I would really like to avoid.”

Sean shivered. “ I’m not confused.”

“ Really? I was,” Viggo’s mouth was so close to his ear that Sean could feel his breath. “ But then I’m probably not allowed to say that, am I,”

The blonde hesitated, allowing himself briefly to enjoy the closeness of the hard body against him. Viggo had bent his head to gently kiss along Sean’s neck, a wolfish smile appearing as he noted that Sean no longer flinched away from him. It was impressive what a soft sympathising word or two could do.

“ So..,” prompted Viggo. Sean appeared to wake up.

“ So… what?” Sean wasn’t entirely certain whether that hard bulge pressing against the small of his back was Viggo or the hilt of his sword. “ And where’s Orli anyway? Don’t you two hunt in pairs,”

“ He’s busy with the hobbits.” Viggo went back to nibbling Sean’s neck in a gentle fashion that was quite unlike him. This did not help Sean’s sense of exactly what was going on, apart from the fact that he was being pushed against a table with Viggo in full Aragorn costume behind him. This would certainly make an odd addition to the extended scenes.

“ And you’d thought you’d find out how confused I was?” murmered Sean. Viggo bit slightly harder.

” Pretty much,” he growled softly. “ You freak out on Orli again and I might have to hurt you. And I don’t want to do that too much. You appear to bruise easily.”

Sean ducked his head. “ I didn’t freak out,” he muttered.

“ And I’m a pretty pretty princess,” remarked Viggo drily. His hand ran down Sean’s side to rest on his hip. “ You are allowed to admit it, you know.”

“ What, that you’re a pretty pretty princess?” Sean managed to hide the smile. Viggo sighed.

“ I wouldn’t, unless your ego gets off on the idea of being fucked by one,” Viggo’s hand had drifted across, gently burrowing under the Boromir travelling outfit to stroke Sean through the material of the leggings. Sean gasped, his hands flat on the table top. The hand paused in evil deliberation. “ You want me to stop?”

“ Someone could come in,” Sean managed, although pressing against Viggo almost without conscious thought.

“ They could indeed,” agreed Viggo, the hand beginning to caress again.

“ What happened to hiding it from the outside world?” Sean was having trouble forming the words as Viggo’s hand stepped up the attack. He could feel Viggo shrug behind him.

“ The outside world is unlikely to come through the door of the trailer. I have guards posted you know,”

Well, at least that explained where Orli was. Sean groaned helplessly as Viggo pressed himself against Sean’s back harder, his hand drifting from Sean’s hard and unbearably aching erection to the draw-string of the costume leggings.

” Thought you were supposed to be finding out whether I was confused or not,” he gasped.

“ You’re not fighting me off. I count that as not confused for this situation at least,” murmered Viggo against his neck. Sean wasn’t sure his legs were able to hold him up as the drawstring of the trousers were released, Viggo’s hand having full access to the sensitive areas of his body. Sean whimpered as the hand wrapped around him with no further ado, squeezing and stroking in a manner designed to make him into a shuddering wreck. And it was a most efficient design.

Viggo shifted himself against Sean again, the hardness clearly nothing to do with anyone’s sword hilt. Sean felt his throat dry up, his legs tremble even more.

” Vig, I can’t.. it’s too soon after last night..,”

” Shut up,” drawled Viggo lazily in his ear, his hand still working. Sean managed to strangle another cry as the hand went into overdrive, Viggo knowing exactly where and how to touch with scary precision.

” But-“ Sean was almost dying of desperation. He was cut off by a menancing growl in his ear which had no gentleness in it whatsoever. Sean took the hint, not that he was in any fit state to be able to continue to argue as he finally climaxed, his back arching, his cry being smothered by Viggo’s other hand that had swiftly clamped itself over his mouth.

Sean almost flopped over the table as his legs did what they had threatened to do ever since Viggo had stepped behind him. Viggo smiled to himself, and moved away. Sean struggled to regain his breathing, and looked back at Viggo in nervous incomprehension. The older man had settled himself back down in his chair and had picked up one of Orli’s magazines without bothering to look at Sean.

Sean pushed himself back up, still watching Viggo with clear uncertainity.

“ What did you want to eat tonight?” asked Viggo idly. The amenesia fairy had obviously been working overtime.

“ What?”

“ Food. Or did you have other plans?” Viggo said patiently. Sean’s mind struggled to adapt to this insertation of normality.

“ I don’t mind,” he managed. “ Vig..,”

“ Hmmm?” Viggo flicked over another page. “ Chinese I think. Unless Orli’s going to be difficult,”

“ Didn’t you want .. anything?” Sean pressed on. Viggo gave him a thoughtful stare, then went back to the magazine without another word. Sean almost growled himself, and finally made the decision to bring the argument to Viggo. There was a flash of surprise on the older man’s face which disappeared as swiftly as it arrived as Sean gathered his bravery and knelt between Viggo’s knees, his hands seeking Aragorn’s belt and trouser fastenings swiftly.

Sean didn’t dare look at his target’s face as he managed to fumble through this part, tugging Viggo’s leggings to allow him access. There was a noticeable lack of any noise whatsoever from Viggo; even the pages had stopped turning. Sean took a deeper breath and leant across the dark-haired man’s lap, his tongue lapping at the head of Viggo’s straining erection. He was rewarded by the faintest of indrawn breaths, Viggo’s hand clenching on the chair arm.

Encouraged, Sean took him deeper into his mouth, slowly increasing the length he took, unwilling to make a complete idiot of himself and gag on his lover’s cock. His hands were tight on Viggo’s hips as his speed increased. He could hear Viggo moan something, felt the man’s hand move to rest on Sean’s head in encouragement. Beginning to enjoy his new found confidence, Sean began to tease him slightly more with his tongue, running it up and down the shaft before taking it as deep as he dared.

Which was exactly the position that Dom found them as he walked through the door of the trailer.
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