LOTR RPS: Smack the Dog 19

Oct 12, 2007 11:16

Chapter 19: Stab in the Dark


“ No.”

The conversation was getting off to a marvellous start. Sean sighed, and watched Orli as he escaped from underneath him, body still trembling and raring to go from the caresses he had just enjoyed. The young man stared at him defiantly, breath calming but still fast, brown eyes flashing. Sean ran his hand down Orli’s bare flank, feeling the boy shiver underneath his palm.

“ Why not?” Sean deliberately kept his sex-kitten purr, low and seductive, which in any other situation Orlando normally lapped up. However, apparently this time it was going to take more than just the purr. The sheer look of determination on Orlando’s face was going to be hard to shift.

” Just no,” Arms were folded. Voices were raised. Sean prayed for patience.

Okay, so the sexy descriptions and talk weren’t working. Orlando was already excited, he could see that, could hear the repressed desire in his voice, but apparently the idea of doing hard physical penetrative work within a sexual bonding had met the same reaction as Sean with suggestions of knives in any sort of sexual relationship.

The blonde pondered further. Good god, having to use brains during sex. Should be banned.

” Is it me?” He was almost embarrassed by the slightly pitiful voice that he tried, knowing that it had nothing to do with him but hoping for the emotional attack. His general mindset was not being helped either by knowing that Viggo was watching them, lying on his side and stroking Sean’s thigh in front of him with smooth long strokes like he was petting a long haired dog.

Orlando shook his head, slightly guiltily but still not budging. Stubborn sod.

“ No. It’s just .. I don’t do that sort of thing,” The younger man attempted to explain, a few hand gestures being added into the equation in case they assisted.

They didn’t. Sean stared at him blankly. So the youngster allowed himself to be screwed in every position known to man. He was quite happy to have multiple partners, chains, blood play and play with random sex toys that looked like they had taken up the world’s resources in rubber. And yet he wouldn’t fuck anyone. Oh, what a wonderfully complex world that he lived in!

His confusion was obviously clear on his face as Orli gave Viggo a worried side glance and sighed. “ I’m sorry, Sean.”

Sean paused again, considering. He didn’t need apologises. He needed action. How difficult could it be to break through the .. what did Viggo call it? A little ‘preference’? Did everyone have odd events in their past that had direct consequences on their sex lives, or did he just attract them?

On the other hand, this was obviously not a small thing. Orlando stopping sex play was like a starving dog refusing a tasty juicy steak done just the way it liked it. And by Viggo’s expression, he’d known well before exactly how Orli would react. Sean sighed inwardly. Definitely time to steal the diaries.

Sean shifted closer to the younger man, his hands beginning their usual trail of dominance over Orli’s trembling body. Orli snuggled closer to him, possibly in relief that the questioning was over or possibly to get some more attention. Sean had deliberately made the young man over excited, aching and needy to a touch, desperate for either man to step up the procedure. Viggo had taken a backseat, on the alleged premise that Sean needed further lessons. Sean himself had not missed the amused look in Viggo’s eye as he said this, but then again he had been looking out for it. Orlando had simply been focusing on the task.

Resting his hands on Orli’s hips, Sean’s mouth sought his arousal again, running his tongue over the sensitive flesh and flickering across the head, hearing the young man’s groan in response. Orli was certainly hard enough. Well, that was an understatement. Orlando was currently harder than the average mountain, his frustrations and desperation keeping him so close on the edge that it was impressive he could hold still.

Sean released the young man, and stretched over him, seizing hold of his wrists and holding them down above the young man’s head. Orli watched him, eyes glazed, mouth slightly open.

“ Sure you don’t want to try?” purred Sean again, rubbing his crotch against Orlando’s. The jolt of pleasure that this caused made them both tremble with need. All in all not one of the better plans he had come up with. Orlando’s expression went back to doubtful, focusing on Sean. He shook his head, then gasped again as Sean circled his hips over Orlando’s.

Good god alive, this was going to kill them both…

Sean managed to glance back at Viggo who gave him a satisfied smirk back and who had obviously managed to locate his camera which was now being focused at them. Well, locate was a bit strong. Viggo always knew where his camera was. It was like a special Viggo radar, along with detecting lies and knowing exactly how far to push people before they cracked.

This also explained the lighting in the room. Normally Viggo favoured the dark and the shadowy, which was normally fine as long as they hadn’t been watching one of Orli’s horror movies previously. However, today was full of light, which presumably allowed Viggo the opportunity to get his snaps without fear of flashing in the corner.

In a manner of speaking, anyway.

Ignoring Viggo, Sean turned his attention back onto the toned body in front of him, suckling on a nipple briefly before purring some further suggestions in Orlando’s ear. Orli squirmed underneath him, hoping for more contact, his eyes becoming glazed at the suggestions that Sean whispered to him.

In frustration, Orlando bucked against him. Sean rode this with calm and determination, and one eye on Viggo. Viggo left to his own devices was never a good idea, especially not with the erection he was currently sporting, which looked hard enough to probably do someone an eye injury. Sean deliberately waggled his backside at him in sheer revenge, knowing what sort of pleasurable agonies Viggo would be going through.

Orli was also keeping tabs on the last member of the group.

“ Please, Vig. Make him *do* something!” pleaded Orlando, body still vulnerable under Sean’s, sweat running down his forehead. Viggo paused to take another photograph, and glanced unconcerned at him.

“ I think you’ll find he is,” murmured the older man. “ However…,”

However? There was a however? Sean glanced back at him, eyes narrowing. Viggo’s howevers were always noticeable in society for being a talking point, and Orlando was very hard for Viggo to reach at the moment. Sure enough, Viggo wasn’t looking at Orlando at this point in time. Sean suddenly regretted the rash wiggle.

“ Allow me to make him do something,” Viggo pressed himself to Sean’s back, carefully ensuring he wasn’t putting any weight on Sean that might add to any unintended squishings of the Orlando. Sean glanced over his shoulder briefly before he froze, feeling two cold lubricated fingers gently flicker over him.

Oh, now this really wasn’t fair!

Orli looked fascinated as Sean tried to control his breathing and expression as Viggo breached him with a finger, almost immediately adding its playmate. Sean could feel Viggo’s lips on the back of his neck, could feel the heat from the other man. Orlando was almost a radiator in his own right, and had got back to squirming against him whilst the blonde’s attention was elsewhere. Sean snapped back into action and tightened his grip on Orli, his lips seeking the young man’s.

He stifled a groan as he felt Viggo finish his preliminaries and push into him, hands tightening slightly harder on poor Orlando’s wrists to stop him being moved from his intended position. Viggo sheathed himself happily, rotated his hips slightly and pulled out just as gently. Sean wanted to scream, if it wasn’t for the fact that Orli would probably be deafened.

A scream was almost guaranteed as Viggo slammed back into him unexpectedly, or as unexpectedly as Viggo and rough sex got anyway. Sean had to rest his forehead on Orli’s shoulder, trying to regain breathing opportunities. He had to re-grip Orli’s wrists as the sweat caused him difficulties.

Viggo did a few more thrusts then withdrew almost as suddenly as he had appeared. Sean was suddenly aware of an incredible absence of Viggo, and glanced over his shoulder in surprise. Viggo winked at him, and readjusted the focus on the camera he had just picked up again.

Right. Two could play at the Sudden Attack Game ™ (fun for all the family).

Sean glanced towards the headboard and, for the first time in his life, was delighted to see that Viggo had left his handcuffs already fastened. Orli had enough time to squeak before his first wrist was cuffed. The second took a lot of wriggling, although the majority of this was obviously trying to rub himself against Sean’s body. Orli lay there panting, watching Sean with a guarded expression, both wrists firmly engaged with the headboard.

Sean sat up from where he was straddling the young man, and stretched slightly. He knew he had a particularly predatory grin on his face at the moment which he seemed powerless to resist.

” Let’s try this again,” he murmured, leaning back over Orli. The young man whimpered softly as Sean gently touched him, feeding the frustrations before carefully lining himself over Orli’s arousal, realising a little late exactly why Viggo had done what he did. Orlando watched him, his squirming finished, wide eyed but still slightly glazed having been teased and tormented for a good half hour now.

Orlando shook his head again, but trembled as he felt Sean above him. The younger man gasped as Sean gently pressed down, his Viggo prepared body welcoming Orlando happily and with a minimum of fuss. Having paused directly after just breaching his body, Sean began to have grave doubts whether his legs would be happy to keep him up in this position for much longer.

There was another squeak -groan from Orli, who thankfully was keeping his wriggling to a minimum. Sean could see the flush on Orlando’s face as the younger man struggled to keep hold of his control, could see Orli’s hands already formed into fists, could hear the panting .

All in all, it was certainly entertaining, and certainly sexy as hell. Sean’s groin was finding new levels of arousal that he hadn’t even realised were there.

And there it was, the little movement that Sean had been waiting for; Orlando’s hips pushing upwards. He let out an internal sigh of relief for his poor legs, who had been suffering quite a bit trying to keep the right level. Orlando nudged upwards again, his expression one of intense concentration. Sean had seen happier expressions, but then again he had certainly seen worse ones. Allowing himself to slid down, Sean met Orli’s thrust upwards neatly. The deep long moan of the young man as he was fully sheathed into Sean could be felt in the bone. Either of them.

Sean could still see Viggo out the corner of his eye but he had lost caring. Leaning over and placing his hands on Orli’s shoulders, Sean gazed at him for a few moments before moving upwards again, a grin forming at Orlando’s suddenly closing lids, the bitten bottom lip that he remembered so well himself. Setting himself a pace, Sean’s hands tightened on Orlando’s shoulders automatically as he focused on the sensation.

He almost jumped as Viggo’s hand fell on his own shoulder, but righted himself almost immediately. Not that Orlando had noticed; the young man’s eyes were still closed, almost constant moans and whimpers issuing forth from his lips.

“ Very good, but if you want to succeed in our deal he must come to you,” Viggo murmured in his ear. Sean stared back at him and was about to comment how ruddy unfair that was when Orlando managed to open his eyes again. Viggo slipped back into what little shadows the room had, Orlando’s eyes following him before coming back to rest on Sean who had completely stopped, panting.

Orli rotated his hips slightly in encouragement. Sean resisted giving Viggo another glare his way, and slowly slid himself off the young man, accompanied by a sound of frustration by Orli. Leaning over, he swiftly unlocked the handcuffs, allowing Orlando’s hands to fall free. He was more than aware of the particularly hard look Orli was aiming in his direction at this point.

“ What? You want more?” he purred, lying beside him and beginning to nibble at his neck. He could hear Orli’s soft growl, which was kept as low as possible to stop it from drifting to Viggo. Sean chuckled lightly, which seemed to infuriate the young man even further.

” Ah,” the blonde shifted slightly, pressing his burning erection even tighter to the firm body of Orli. “ You want it, you’ll have to put in a little more effort.”

He could feel the young man’s body completely tense underneath him. Sean continued on his gentle torment, his hands roving over Orli’s body, his flat stomach, his tongue flickering over sensitive skin as though the young man was a lollipop that needed devouring.

And suddenly something snapped. Sean found himself with a particularly active Orlando on his hands. And body. And, in fact, pretty much everywhere. Just to make sure that Viggo couldn’t possibly have any objections, Sean kept passive, although there was a faint yelp of surprise as Orlando pinned him to the bed, face down. A bastard with remarkable dexterity, obviously.

Within moments, Orlando was in him again, his teeth on Sean’s shoulder, his hands gripping him so tightly that circulation was undoubtedly going to protest against such harsh treatment. The older man pushed back against him, meeting every frantic stroke with one of his own, managing to get his hand underneath his body to stroke himself in time with the young man and find a little relief of his own. Orli was groaning above him, but in a much different way than Sean normally heard him. Ordinarily, it was almost sob-groans, little moans to indicate his pleasure and nothing more. Now they were almost fearsome, growls of effort as Orlando raced towards his own completion. Sean could feel nails digging into his now extremely sensitive skin, but these were of a minor concern as his own orgasm approached with every rough stroke of his hand.

One more thrust and Orlando almost howled in his release, thrusting into Sean for the final time so hard that it was as though he was trying to bury himself inside the blonde, taking the older man a little by surprise. Not that the surprise was particularly noticeable as Sean came with a cry himself, shooting into his hand. He could feel Orlando flop against him as though every muscle in his body had suddenly gone on strike, before withdrawing and rolling to one side, leaning up to kiss Sean almost chastely on the cheek.

Sean recovered after a few moments, and glanced back to Viggo who was watching them with a satisfied gleam in his eye and a smirk on his face.

Mission accomplished.


“ Shit!”

A shoe flew over Sean’s head as he entered the trailer, which crashed into the wall and bounced onto the floor, laces trailing messily. This was unusual enough for the blonde to halt his entrance into the trailer for a quick reassessment on exactly what was going on. Having come to deliver the hobbit’s message about their sudden decision to disappear off to the beach, Sean had been unprepared for the level of danger that apparently delivering the message required.

Orlando, thrower of shoes, was busy peering into every nook and cranny he could find. His jacket lay discarded in the middle of the floor in such a way that would almost ensure a little refresher course from Viggo in the art of housekeeping. One of his jeans pockets had managed to get itself turned inside out, which was quite impressive for the tightness of the jeans that Orlando actually had on.

There was another curse as the present nook and/or cranny failed to have whatever it was Orli was looking for. Obviously spiders were going to be seriously disturbed for some time.

Sean watched at the busy enterprise of the young man for a few moments, before his curiosity reached a suitable level.

“ What’s the matter?”

Orli paused from digging through the other of his jeans pockets to give Sean a casual glance, before abandoning him to lean over one of the chairs and scanning the space behind the table. A few moments longer and he had gone to his hands and knees, arse in the air, peering along the floor as though inspecting for ants.

There was a further mutter of disgust, intermixed with rude words. Orli sat on his haunches and glanced at Sean as though the cause all of the world’s woes lay at his doorstep.

“ Have you seen my keys?” he demanded.

“ Your keys?” Sean was surprised. Orli possessed one of the largest key rings known to man. It probably had its own centre of gravity, not to mention squandered the world’s resources of minerals.

“ Yeah. I can’t find them.” Orlando had gone back to peering across the floor, which was exactly the position Dom found him as he walked through the door.

An eyebrow was raised.

“ Lost his keys,” offered Sean. Dom nodded his understanding and paused for a while to watch Orlando scrabble about on the floor.

” Almost hypnotic,” he commented after a few moments. Sean, whose eyes were also fixed on the raised backside, nodded his agreement. Orli’s patience ran out a lot quicker than the two watcher’s concentration, and got up from the floor, making a noise of annoyance.

“ Probably in my other trousers,” he muttered to himself, and looked towards Sean. “ Can I borrow yours?”

Dom glanced at his watch pointedly. Orli waved at him.

“ I know, I know!” an earnest face looked towards Sean. “ Please!”

Sean sighed a long martyred sigh and dropped his own set of keys into Orli’s waiting palm. “ You lose those and I will not be pleased,” he warned. Orlando snapped a salute, and promptly dragged Dom out the door. The hobbit had time to wave to Sean before he vanished.

The blonde sighed to himself again, and got up from his chair. If he was key-less, then he was going to be more than screwed should Viggo do a disappearing trick on him. It was also promise to be a long day if he had to wait for Vig; said owner of keys had been in conference about one of his scenes for most of the day, and had brought along his battered copy of the novel which normally spoke volumes on how determined he was. Sean had a sneaking suspicion he was going to be staying in pubs for a lot of the evening before he was able to drag Viggo away.

It took him a good half an hour to find said man as it was. He almost ran straight into David Wenham in the first two minutes who had been walking from the other direction, but thankfully the Australian had looked up in time and had suddenly decided the next turning was the one he wanted. Dave had been extremely funny recently, but then again that was probably having Karl as a mate. Dave was far too sensitive for his own good.

Karl himself was noticeably absent from the set, which was perfectly okay by Sean. It was bad enough that Orli almost jumped whenever Karl’s name was mentioned, let alone watching them in a nearby proximity to each other. Heaven alone knew what Viggo would do if he kept running into Mr Urban on a constant basis. Probably run him over or something equally unsuitable for world peace.

Viggo, chosen target, was finally found around the producers area, mobile phone clamped to one ear, the older man chewing on the end of a pencil in thought as he listened. Viggo glanced up at him as he approached, then concentrated on his phone call. “ Yeah, sure. Well, we’ll discuss it further when you’ve thought about it,”

Sean waited until the phone was put back into a pocket. “ Something up?”

“ Not really. Just a few suggestions,” Viggo eyed him thoughtfully. “ You look.. focused.”

“ Actually I’ve come to plead for your keys. And you, if you’re coming, but mostly your keys,” Sean gave him a winning grin. Viggo raised an eyebrow.

” And what happened to your own?” he drawled.

“ Orlando’s already pleaded for them.” Sean shrugged.

“ Hmmm. And you allowed him to wander off with them? I never realised what a soft touch you are,” mused Viggo, turning to walk towards the main path.

“ I doubt that,” Sean tagged along behind him, and looked faintly surprised as they continued towards where Viggo’s car was parked. “ You’re ready to come home already?”

“ It’s either that or be accused of harassing directors,” replied Viggo idly. “ Shooting finished an hour ago.”

And that was okay by Sean as well. It would therefore give him plenty of time to broach the subject of Viggo’s historical events before Orli came back and ruined his concentration. He hadn’t been able to find the appropriate time where the younger man hadn’t been about, and, funnily enough, there hadn’t been a suitable point in any conversation where it could be casually brought up.

However, obviously he needed to bring it up himself. It wasn’t like Viggo to go back on a deal. However, Sean was almost too aware that time scales had never really been confirmed. He might well be told. In several years time.

” So….,” the blonde gazed out of the window at the passing landscape as they drove back to the house, trying to show more coolness than even the Pink Panther could manage. “ You want to talk tonight?”

” I talk most nights, Sean. I’m not a monk.” Viggo replied idly, turning the next corner. Sean coughed, trying to find a suitable way to phrase it without getting into huge amounts of trouble. Viggo whilst in a creative haze could either be mild as a pussy cat or deadly as a hunting shark. And you never knew exactly which one it was until you managed to get it to raise its head.

“ More on a particular subject.” Sean eyed him. “ Like, say, deals?”

” Oh, that.” Viggo responded as though it had completely slipped his mind. Sean vowed to get the mental equivalent of glue involved.

“ Thought we could…,” Sean trailed off as Viggo pulled over to the side of the road, switched off the engine and turned to face him. Sean could almost see the metaphorical fin and the soulless black eyes already. Pussy cat obviously had other places to be.

” Sean, I haven’t forgotten. However, you seem to have forgotten exactly who schedules things around here.” Viggo’s voice, when it came, was completely steady and completely dangerous. His gaze could bore through tables in it’s intensity. Sean managed not to cringe.

” Well, I-“ Sean trailed off under the hardness of the look and privately admitted defeat to himself. He shrugged, trying to get it back to the lightness it had been. “ Okay, sorry. Your timetable.” His voice was deliberately light and jokey, as though the temperature in the car hadn’t dipped into sub-artic levels.

Viggo eyed him further, then, apparently satisfied by the appropriate submissive look, turned the key in the ignition again and drove on in silence. Sean let out his breath and stared out the window again. Obviously the shark had eaten already today.

“ I have a few things I need to do tonight. You okay to cook?” Viggo continued as though the shark had never entered this conversation. Sean nodded, realised Viggo probably wouldn’t be able to see this if he was concentrating on the road ahead and cleared his throat instead.

” Yeah, that’s fine. Pizza okay?”

“ I said cook, not re-heat.” Viggo’s voice was mild.

” I’ll see what we have,”


Sean hadn’t a clue what all the crashing about was, and he really really hoped it wasn’t going to introduce itself to him anytime soon. Viggo had started his excavation in the bedroom ten minutes ago and whatever it was he was searching for obviously wasn’t producing itself for inspection.

He gave the potatoes another poke with the fork as though this might in some way help with anything. The already well poked potatoes bobbed slightly in the water. The possibility that he could go see exactly what Viggo was after had already occurred to him, only to be stamped down by self preservation. Never willingly dip your toes in when there was a shark in the water.

He glanced towards the kitchen door as he heard the key turn in the lock, almost immediately followed by another crash from the bedroom. He could just see the outline of Orlando standing still, looking towards the bedroom, before disappearing from his view again. A few moments later and the young man slipped through the kitchen door after realising the lounge was empty.

“ Hey, Sean.” Orli glanced back out to the corridor, then worriedly at him again. “ What’s going on?”

“ I haven’t the faintest idea. Violent spring cleaning.” Sean checked the sausages which were browning nicely, and looked back at the young man who was staring nervously towards the door again. Sean was reminded again exactly how cautious the young man was nowadays, never staying out too late, always trying to prove to Viggo that he was trustworthy. Viggo in a bad mood with an unknown cause managed to tweak the paranoia a little too far.

“ He must have said something?” Orli appealed to him. Sean shrugged.

” Vig was just going to do something painty and that’s all I know,” the blonde moved slightly, then sighed. “ If you’re going to lean on the fridge door, could you pass me the butter?”

Door was opened. Butter was passed. Orlando managed to do both things without looking like he even noticed.

“ It’s not like him. He’s normally really organised in a chaotic sort of way,”

“ Yeah, well, it’s probably a missing paintbrush or something,”

“ Viggo doesn’t have missing paintbrushes,” the tone was almost reproachful. Sean shrugged.

” Did anyone tell the paintbrush?” Switching off the water, Sean drained the potatoes and added the butter. He glanced towards Orlando again and sighed. Orli looked like the dog who sat by the door hour after hour waiting for its master to return. “ I’m sure it’s nothing, Orli. Everyone’s allowed to have a bad day once in a while.”

He stopped as they both recognised the bedroom door shutting. Footsteps padded towards the kitchen. And Sean began to share more than a little of Orli’s paranoia as Viggo stalked into the kitchen, his eyes almost pure ice despite the heat of his glare.

“ Have either of you moved anything on my table?” Glare slid between them. Orlando shook his head. Sean gave up the possibility of giving a more humorous answer and simply shook his head as well, deciding that mute was probably the most beneficial. Viggo’s frowned deepened if that were possible; it now could very well need mining rights.

“ This is important. I just need to know. I won’t be angry,”

Sean managed to keep the incredulous look off his face and kept in the very far reaches of his mind where it couldn’t cause any problems. By the mood in front of them, the possibility that Viggo and anger were not going to pair up was about as good as the Queen of England suddenly deciding to sell the crown jewels for 10p and a Blue Peter badge.

“ Honestly, we haven’t.” Orlando was the first to get his vocal chords working, and he sounded like a boy of 10. Viggo looked at them hard again, then nodded, and disappeared back out the kitchen as suddenly as he had appeared. They stared after him for several moments, both trying to readjust themselves back to pre-terror.

“ If that’s about a paintbrush,” said Sean slowly. “ We’re all in a lot of trouble if his favourite mug goes missing.”

He passed Orli the potato masher, and gathered his nerves. With Orli’s surprised gaze on his back, Sean walked quickly towards the bedroom before his nerve completely abandoned him, and paused. Should he knock? To their own bedroom? How bloody daft was that?

But then, how suicidal was it not to?

Giving a slight rap just before opening the door, Sean pushed it open slightly, his eyes immediately drawn to the figure of Viggo who was busy going through what appeared to be a folder. Cold eyes looked up as he entered, then back down at the folder which held a number of Viggo’s photographs, a lot of them old ones he had taken of Orlando. A black and white print lay on the bed of Orlando staring disdainfully at the camera, shirt off, one jeaned leg tucked underneath him. Another one, again black and white, showed him naked and laughing up at the camera, the edge of the photograph just stopping before it became pornographic.

“ Vig? What’s the matter?” Sean walked the few paces to the bed, his eyes returning to his lover. The older man sighed in a manner that suggested he wasn’t sure whether to hit the roof or wallow in misery. Sean began to get even more disturbed if that were possible.

“ Vig?” he pressed.

There was a noticeable silence from Viggo. Sean stared at him a few moments further, then picked up the nearest photograph on the bed to him. Obviously this was another one that he had never seen Viggo take. It showed Orlando looking up at a half dressed Sean, a smile on his lips and sheer desire showing in his eyes. Sean himself was gazing back at him with similar intensity. It was completely innocent and yet completely erotic.

Sean’s eyes took in the other books which held the photographs, then looked back at the picture he held in his hand.

“ It’s really good,” he commented, realising that someone really needed to break the silence before it started getting addictive. Viggo smiled grimly.

“ Thanks.” Cold blue eyes surveyed him. “ I took some better ones.”

“ Yeah?” Sean carefully lay the photograph down and looked in interest at him. Viggo and photography normally equalled some type of pleasant mood swing.

“ Yeah. You and Orli. You two were almost blended. Your mouth on his skin. His flesh in your body. That sort of thing,” Viggo’s eyes were steady. Sean raised an eyebrow.

“ Glad we could help. Can I see them?”

“ No.” Viggo looked away, his fingers drumming on his leg. Sean shrugged. Artists were well known for their temperamental tendencies, and Viggo was certainly not one to skimp on this.

“ That’s okay. When you’re ready,”

“ It’s not because I don’t want you to see them.” Viggo growled. “ It’s because they’re missing.”

Sean paused, then shook his head, frowning slightly. He ran his tongue over suddenly dry lips, then stepped forward a little as though it would improve his understanding.

” Missing?” he echoed.

“ Missing. Gone. Vanished. Absent. Lost.” growled the older man. Sean paused some more. There was, after all, so much to pause about.

“ But they were with the other photographs?” Sean’s eyes flickered towards the relevant storage areas. Viggo nodded slowly.

“ On the top. I was working on them. The whole lot is gone. Negatives, photographs.” He shook his head. “ It’s all fucking vanished, Sean.”

“ Well, you could have-“

” The negatives and the photographs themselves were apart.” Viggo’s eyes rested on him, steady, although Sean was pleased to note with a lack of accusation. There was fury, certainly, but fury would find some other bugger to pick on tonight.

“ Oh.” Sean didn’t know what else to say. To speculate just looked like he was tempting fate. To ignore it would be mindless optimism. “ But where would they be?” he stared at him. Viggo smiled grimly.

” I would imagine we’ll find out sooner rather than later,” he replied grimly.


The request came a little past two days. It was polite, respectful, and directed firmly towards Viggo. Karl understood who controlled things in this game, to whom the instruction should go to, that was blatantly clear.

Equally, it was blatantly clear who now held possession of the photographs.

That evening they faced each other across the expanse of a great wooden table in what presumably counted as Karl’s dining room. A large white envelope sat in the middle of the table, a blot on the landscape, almost accusing whoever looked upon it of mischief. Sean, who was standing by Viggo’s right shoulder, folded his arms, staring with sheer murder at Karl who was sitting, relaxed, in his own chair.

Karl himself did not bother to look towards either of the “pets”. His attention was all for Viggo. Orlando, who was stood at Viggo’s left shoulder, gave Sean an uncertain look then glanced towards the most surprising member of the little audience. David Wenham leaned against the wall behind Karl, his own expression completely unreadable. His gaze had flickered onto Sean as they had entered the room, but since then he had been attempting and succeeding to avoid everyone else’s gaze. This did not stop Sean glaring occasionally at him with the same solid dedication as he had given Karl, feeling as though their previous friendship had just been trampled on by a large elephant.

If anything, the Australian looked slightly bored of the whole matter.

" Well?" It was Viggo who finally broke the silence, perhaps feeling some of the boredom displayed by Dave. " You have my attention. What do you want?"

Karl slowly pushed the envelope towards Viggo with a finger, leaning back. Viggo looked at it faintly disgusted, making no move to pick it up. His eyes fell back onto Karl, who seemed disappointed that the envelope hadn't been ripped open immediately.

" I think we should discuss terms, don't you?" Karl said easily, leaning back in his chair as though trying to recover some of his lost form.

" Do you," Viggo's eyes were steady on him, the question more a statement than any. Karl seemed completely unfazed by this.

" Yeah. I do,"

" I suppose this is some sort of petty revenge," The steadiness of Viggo's voice was incredible, the sheer patience and willpower showing when Sean knew damn well the man wanted nothing more than to release some of his anger physically.

Karl shrugged. " If you like."

" And what happens if I don't agree to your little demands?" Still Viggo made no move towards the envelope. Karl shrugged again, unconcerned about this little possibility.

" Then those pretty pictures will find themselves in the hands of the press," Karl's eyes slid from Viggo to Orli, realising he was probably the weaker of the party. Sean's frown hadn't shifted since they had started.

" You'd do that?" Orli was dumfounded. There was the faintest flicker of embarrassment or possibly regret across Karl's face, but he managed to control it swiftly. Sean suddenly realised that the man was most likely bluffing. although the possibility that he wasn't didn't bear thinking about. The scandal that would follow any sort of leak would undoubtedly ruin Orlando's fledging career, ruin Sean's family and probably his own career as well, as well as destroy any sort of relationship they once had. He could see The Sun's front headline in his mind's eye and it wasn't appealing in the slightest, although, true to form, it would have some type of pun in the title.

David had shifted uncomfortably as well, his gaze now firmly fixed on one of the pictures on Karl's wall.

" Probably best for all of us if you just do what I say," Karl had recovered enough to give Viggo a very hard stare, his tone unreadable for what he actually desired. However, he was working against an expert in hard-to-read. Viggo cocked his head slightly to one side as he studied the man.

" And what it is you want?" Viggo's voice was low and even. Karl smiled at him, a warm all-chums-here type smile. He leant forward slightly.

" It's very easy. I want Orlando for a night." Karl's eyes suddenly flickered towards Sean, whose scowl had managed to reach record proportions. The grin widened. " And Sean as well."

Viggo seemed completely unaffected by this little statement. Orli looked even more stunned, and glanced towards Viggo uncertainly. Sean straightened his back, fury in his eyes.

" For the same night?" Viggo's voice seemed almost bored by the conversation and began to pick at his fingernails.

" Whatever," Karl shrugged. " Just under my control each for one night. Whether they wish for each other's company at the same time is up to them,"

There was a long silence. Viggo seemed to be fascinated by his own hands, staring down at them on the table as though awaiting further information. Orlando's face had drained of colour, his eyes wide and nervous.

" And if I allow this," Viggo spoke finally, his voice indicating what a very big If that was. " you will give back all the photographs you have stolen?"

" I will." confirmed Karl.

" And why should I believe the word of a liar, a thief and a man who cannot obtain his own partners without the threat of blackmail?" Finally the sound of sheer outrage showed in Viggo's voice as he looked up at the younger man across the table. Sean wanted to cheer.

Karl, for his part, seemed unaffected once more. " I said that I will. You will have to take the risk,"

" I swear that he will," David's voice was low in the silence, but everyone heard it. Viggo glanced towards Dave, considered it, and finally leant back in his chair, his fingers playing with the white envelope on the table.

" I assume these are copies?" he said idly.

" You assume correctly," Karl raised an eyebrow. " I have to have some assurance that you will not attempt to break the other foot."

" That would be a pity indeed," Viggo stared at him without a trace of said pity showing. Karl snorted in amusement, and turned his attention towards Sean. His eyes ran down the blonde's body in a sheer arrogant manner as though assessing him for a slave auction. Sean had the sudden urge to cover himself with a blanket, and stiffened his body posture further. Any stiffer and he was going to be suitable for house foundations.

" One night," Karl said softly, looking back at Viggo. Said man looked back at him silently. Karl shrugged again, a shrug seemingly being a major part of his general day to day communication. " Come on, Vig. Firm deal. You back down on this and the price goes up. You agree to it or what?"

Further silence introduced itself to the room. Viggo played a little further with the envelope, not replying. Karl watched him for a moment, then snorted with amusement.

“ Talk it over with your little pets if you must,” he murmured. “ And there was me thinking you were the one who called the shots. One night, Viggo. Consider it.”

His eyes flickered in amusement over Sean’s hostile stance, then moved slowly over to Orli. There was the briefest moment where Sean was certain the man’s eyes softened; however, this was gone in a blink of an eye.

“ Oh, and Orli. Thanks,” he smiled winningly, pulling the key ring out of his pocket and sliding it over the surface of the table where it rested with a soft chink of metal. The two older men didn’t even bother to look at it. The younger man, however, stared at it as though seeing the truth for the first time.

Karl gave them another look before disappearing out through the door, David slowly following him. Viggo watched as the door shut with a click.

“ I say we smash his fucking teeth in,” Sean’s hostility managed to finally get an outburst, glaring after Karl then staring defiantly towards Viggo. Viggo’s expression hadn’t changed. Orlando moved forward and ran his hand over the key ring before picking up the discarded envelope, slowly opening it and pulling out the photographs. His expression was equally blank as he stared at the first photograph. One of a large number. Sean felt sick.

“ Much as I would love to do that, I doubt whether it would improve our position,” Viggo said slowly. Sean growled.

“ Make me feel better though. The fucking bastard! I’d like to ram them-“

“ Yes, thank you.” Obviously fully aware of Sean’s chosen location for said photographs, Viggo finally moved back in his chair and looked at Orlando, who was still staring at the top photograph as though hypnotised. “ Orli?”

Sean never realised Viggo’s voice could be quite so soft. Orlando managed to drag his gaze away from the photographs, his eyes scared but trusting.

“ Yes?”

“ You okay?”

Sean also glanced at Orli at this. The young man seemed to be in some sort of dream, his movements slow and unhurried. Orlando looked back at the photographs, then shook his head.

“ This is all my fault, isn’t it?” he said quietly. Sean snorted his view on this, but Viggo’s fist suddenly connecting to his shin kept him silent. Viggo’s eyes were steady on the young man.

” It’s certainly not your fault, Orlando. You have my word.”

“ He was my friend. They were my keys. It’s my body in the photographs.” Orli’s anger suddenly flared. “ Who else is to blame?”

” Karl?” suggested Sean, then shut up again as Viggo’s fist found his leg again, no doubt promising the appearance of future bruises. Orlando threw the photographs onto the table, face up. Sean was greeted by the sight of his own naked body, Orlando clearly penetrating him. The photographs made no uncertainties what was happening and who it was happening to. A beautiful and apparently deadly photograph indeed.

“ Orlando, calm down,” Viggo’s voice was full of instructions. Orli calmed, although how much of that was truth and how much automatic behaviour Sean didn’t want to say. His deep brown eyes sought Viggo out like a lifeline.

” What do we do?” the young man asked softly. Viggo was silent. Sean growled lightly in his throat again, but said nothing. The anguish on Orli’s face seemed to increase ten fold as he suddenly realised that the plan that would get them out of this situation was failing to materialise.

” D’you think he’d go through with it?” Sean asked finally in a low voice towards Viggo. Viggo picked up the photographs himself and started to slowly go through them, as though looking at holiday snaps rather than the graphic pornography that the press would see it as.

“ He wouldn’t. He’s not that much of a bastard,” Orli stared at them, his voice almost pleading. Viggo said nothing, carefully working his way through the photographs slowly.

“ He’s enough of a bastard to steal them in the first place. And as for the blackmail…,” Sean broke off, unable to watch the younger man’s sheer distress any longer. Viggo had finished going through the photographs and was staring thoughtfully at the top one, as though scanning it for flaws or improvements to be made.

” I do not think we can afford to take the risk,” the older man spoke softly.

The other two stared at him, then at each other. Sean was slightly shocked to notice a look of hope on Orli’s face at the prospect of a light at the end of the tunnel. To go through with it would be to find a conclusion to the whole matter. Sean, however, could see his own light at the end of the tunnel and it looked like it was attached to the nearest dragon. He managed to get himself back under control, and realised that Viggo was watching him steadily, assessing Sean’s reaction.

“ Right,” Sean said finally, running his hand through his hair, trying to get Viggo’s attention elsewhere. No bloody way was he going to be the weak link in this. Not a chance in hell.

Viggo’s gaze didn’t waver.

“ You don’t agree?” his voice was soft and not unsympathetic. Somehow this managed to be worse than if he had just snapped an order.

Sean glared angrily at the nearest wall, which failed to be impressed, then finally sighed heavily, his shoulders stooping slightly in defeat.

“ No, I agree. I just .. fucking hell!,” Sean spat and shook his head. “ Of all the low down fucking stupid things for him to go and do.”

“ You’d do it?” Orlando seemed in shock at this suggestion, his eyes wide on Sean.

“ Hardly much in the way of choice, is there,” replied Sean gloomily, although added with spirit. “ He’s going to have more of a rough night than he had planned, though. He wants ‘yes sir no sir’ he’s gonna have to fight for it.”

Viggo’s eyes slid to Orli, who was still staring at Sean as though he had suggested something entirely obscene.

“ Orli?” he murmured. Orlando visibly shook himself mentally and stared back at Viggo.

“ Yeah,” he said softly. “ I’ll do it.”

And that was that.
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