Sep 11, 2007 07:35
Well, a lot has been going on in the past few months, living with my beautiful mate and doing pretty well. Keeping busy on a 1995 Olds Aurora belonging to said mate as well. Hope to be hitting some HAM radio meets with a good friend up near Chicago this month as well. If all goes well I will be able to start building my first RGBYW (red, green, blue, yellow, white) laser show system. Still looking into going to college, I want to learn more and have a good excuse to play with shiney, high voltage crap and disguise it as learning. In other news, I am going to start making an effort to get ahold of some long neglected friends. I've been pretty depressed in a lot of ways recently and isolation has helped a lot for the most part. I am feeling much better though and am really beginning to enjoy my life and where it's going, even if I don't know where that is yet. Back in March I lost a good friend I had known since I was born pretty much to what we believe was drug related cardiac arrest of some form. I felt really bad because I never really spent much time talking to him for a while before it, he was getting off drugs and it seems to be some of the withdrawl side effects that was a contributing factor. He had just started a new job and things were starting to look really good for him too. I did what I could and offered my support to his mom, but I just couldn't go to the funeral. I want my last memories of seeing him to be as he lived, not as a lifeless body surrounded by the mourning friends who were as sad as I was to see his life cut short. To make things worse, my grandfather on my dad's side recently died leaving behind my grandmother as my only grandparent left. Never got close to any extended family, but you'll always wonder what they were like if you never got to spend time with them. To make things worse, another good friend I have known all my life was beaten to near death about a month back. His wife managed to find him in time to save his life and he is now back at work. There is a chance of permanent brain damage and he is very sensitive to loud noises, but I know he'll pull through. Luckily people came out of the woodwork and those behind it should spend a nice chunk of time in the slammer.
To whoever reads this, remember one thing. No matter how alone you are and how bad you may think that nobody loves you, it's pretty much guaranteed that you have a friend that you can call on. Don't be afraid to do so, because it's so much easier for someone to help while you're still alive. Life is tough and full of surprises, and it's human nature to want to live life, even through all its unpredictabilities. Think about it, who really wants to know the exact time and reason they'll die?