May 21, 2008 20:51
i'm wasted
you took the energy from me
stolen in a kiss
and tossed on the counter top
there's nothing clever to say here
i'm pissed off
this whole "vanity sizing" thing
is fucking with me
i can't find anything that fucking fits.
it's not right
my 0's are feeling kinda loose and i dont know where the fuck to go from here.
I can't seem to put on any weight
i tried on a pair of wicked cute 1's last week and they shoulda been 4's i didnt even have to unbutton them to get them off.
it's fucking stupid
my dad keeps yelling at me to eat a cookie
sorry daddy apparently the one a day candy bar isn't doing it
i've doubled what i'm eating and i still lost half a pound at this last dr appt
which is good since the past 4 appt's i've dropped at least 2 pounds each visit.
and it's not like i can bitch about this to anyone because trust me my girlfriends do not want to hear it.
i can't blame them but man WTF?
they say brides lose weight before the wedding.
i have three months to go
if i lose any more i'll be under 100 pounds and i will freak out
i'm at a loss.
so anyways the real bitch i have about this whole things isnt really my weight
whatever i'm fine with that i never paid attention to that shit anyways
but recently since i have to get weighed at every appt i have watched it.
my dr isnt worried and i'm in perfect health aside from my wrists.
it's the clothing company and them wanting to make women feel smaller than they are.
dude a tag does not change your size, it just makes it's harder on people like me.
candid is having their last show may 30th and i am going.
deaf dumb and blind
i cant make you see
these words get twisted and it all becomes about me
somehow someway
i am to blame
it's getting old
as i start to realize this is the way it's going to be
somehow i know i can do better.
you could be better.
i've said enough.