Dec 22, 2007 00:19
i need to get a strong bad fix apparently
the only reason i am awake is because the fuckers downstairs decided to pound shit into the walls at 11:45 at night.
i am not pleased as i have been asleep since 8
now i want to sleep but cant.
i got a job offer
a fucking great job offer
sweet lord it's a desk job making more money i than i make now with room to advance
i dont even have to go through all the strings it's being handed to me
in shiny paper with a big fucking bow.
it's mine if I want it
whenever I want it.
they are willing to put a temp in for me if i need some time
months of time
before i can start.
i'm in disbelief
i'm excited
and scared.
i'm going to take it.
i have to, i mean how can you not?
so i have to tell my dad
and i'm torn with this whole thing
i mean we both knew i'd have to quit
we both knew it would be sooner rather than later
i'm in pain all the time
my wrists keep getting worse
and i am fucking tired
tired of doing drywall.
tried of working with steve.
I am going to miss my father like no one could ever believe.
I start school in january
i'm taking one course an paying for it
in order to ace it and regain my place among financial aid students.
again excited and scared.
i cant wait to start school again
my credit score is getting better,
i'm two months away from one 1,000 debt being paid and i'm getting settlement offers for another 1,000 debt
after i pay that one off i'll only have a grand left.
then it's time to work on chris's.
chris is looking at back surgery in jan or feb
everything is up in the air. disability is going to run out in jan
and he needs to look into state disability because we are going to need the money.
I dont know either way i wont be able to work late as we'll have to put chase back in daycare,
so the new job's hours will work well for me
the downside is being able to work the extra time to make more money
the upside is having a steady paycheck
always knowing exactly how much i'll make
i can always try to do some side work.
i dont know.
everything is about to change
and it's my nature to dislike change.
i am driven
i am hard working
i can do anything,