-fuck my ass-

Sep 06, 2004 18:58

well, i have returned from my little camping trip. i had a casuity (spelling?). dad decided to kill the most beautiful guitar that i own. not to mention the most expencive. mom said they would either get it fixed or replace it. she said i was also getting a drum set. and my parents know about my cell phone so i dont have to hid that either. all and all my tripped sucked. today i went fishing with G-ma which was pritty good because it took my mind off of how much i miss mandi for a bit. then i rode on my cuz's 4 wheeler for a while and now i am home. i need to call mandi though. i hope she isn't doing anything today. yesterday i called her and she dumped me off for a movie. i hope she isnt doing anything. well, i guess i will see most of you monday. i love you mandi.
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