Aug 14, 2007 01:06
I don't need pot, I have exercise.
I don't need pussy, I have good friends.
I don't need sex, I have love.
I don't need money, I have music.
I don't need medicine, I have exercise, good friends, love, and music.
I have poetry, I have life, I have science, I have God, I have a home, and a meal every night, I have an education, I have a wonderful brain, I have a reason to use it.
And I have a world that's so big, so dynamic, so wonderful, and needs so much help I can never run out of challenges, run out of purpose, run out of inspiration, or run out of reasons to get up each day and be alive!
I love life, even when it is hard, even when it doesn't love me back. I love life, unconditionally, because God and the Universe will always love me back.