Ferreal Update on the life of Jaggers: Work, Health, Furry

Oct 22, 2011 23:12


Today was my first day off in 3 weeks, which meant last night was my
first night in a long time I got to stay up. How did i spend it? After
work, I went for jog, then a bike ride. Then went to Chili's with Mary
and got a chicken fajitas. Then went to Wal-mart and bought the Scream
trilogy, and watched the first Scream. Somehow by the end it was like 3
AM. Went to bed and woke up at 4 PM. Went for another jog. Ate
lunch/dinner. Played some video games while watching Lion King. Now
its time for bed as I'm on call Sunday.

Overall this month has gone pretty well. I've been getting up at 4:15
AM cause I'm doing cardiac surgery this month. Tired but its also
pretty satisfying and cool.

I'm in my 3rd year of residency right now. One more to go. Then I
hafta decide if I go out to get a job, or do an extra year of fellowship
in a subspecialty. I've already ruled out Critical Care, Pain
Management, Pediatric Anesthesia, and Ob Anesthesia as anything I'd want
to subspecialize in. At this point Cardiothoracic Anesthesia is the
ONLY fellowship I'd consider doing. Its also the most bad-ass
subspecialty in my opinion.

Its easy to think I've been in school/training for so long, so what's
another year? But damn, I'm getting burned out. And I don't know if
its worth it. Pros include commanding (in theory) a higher salary, the
aforementioned bad-ass factor, and potentially being more competitive in
the job market. Cons include more stressful lifestyle (if I were to
end up being "the cardiac guy"), and an extra year that I'm NOT making
an attending level salary (which might make the higher salary with a
fellowship a wash)

The main reason I'd consider doing it then is if I find its hard to find
a job in a location I want without a fellowship. Right now the job
market is still good enough, so I hope that ends up being true for me.

*sigh* This'll be the main thing I'll be stressing out about the next
year. What will I do after this? And where will I end up living? What
I do next would likely be for forever, so its a big deal...


I'm in pretty good health right now. I got motivated to make lifestyle
changes early August when I went to a nice dinner and found that my old
pair of dress paints were uncomfortably tight.

I've been jogging a few miles every day (except when out of town or on
call) for almost 3 months now, and riding my bike alot too. And if
feels pretty damned good (actually makes the mental fatigue of work
less painful). Trying to eat healthier too. I don't think I've felt
this good since college, which was the last time I went on a health
kick. Have my resting heart rate down to 40 or so which is pretty

I just hope I don't get injured again, or can keep motivated to keep
doing it. I'm worried this winter is going to keep me from going
outside again, but this time I think I'm more determined to find ways
around it... I'm just a lil over a year from 30, and I hope that when
that happens I'll be in the best health of my life. I figgure that'd at
least lessen the blow a little bit...

Alot of the other residents have been buying disability insurance since
this is supposedly the best time in your career to lock in the insurance
rates while we're healthy. *sigh* I've been fretting about this a lil
bit too. I don't want to have another bill to pay, but ontop of that, I
hate to have to worry about having health problems come up anytime
soon. But I know its very possible (and ultimately inevitable). I'm
gonna ask my sister for advice when I go home next month.... (and yes I
value the opinion of my family more than anyone else. I know its lame,
but that's how I was raised)


I'm actually really really looking forward to upcoming furry events.
Probably cause there's quite a few things to look forward to. Gonna be
going to MFF again (after going home for several days). Rooming with
Mary, Buckhopper, and Xyk. That'll be pretty cool. There's a couple
places in Chicago I've been DYING to eat at since we were there last
year. AWESOME.

In February we're gonna make our return to Furry Fiesta. Gonna precede
it with a week vacation in Texas, road tripping and whatnot. Still
haven't decided what we're gonna do with that time, but that just adds
to the excitement! Then the con itself. Will be a blast to just hang
out with the Texas folks. Sophie and Lisa will be there which will be
bad ass. Taco Cabana.

Then its FCN. And I've taken an extra week off, and we're planning to do a trip to Florida.

And then AC, as usual. But not taking any vacation time for this, so its not a guarantee.

And then gonna go to a con in Canada in July called Condition Blue!
Probably gonna hit up Niagra falls on the way there. Then probably
gonna go home to Texas again for the rest of the week.

That's a pretty sweet series of vacations and cons to look forward to!
I've been working my ass off, haven't taken a single vacation day this
year, but definately gonna be making use of em when I do start! =)

Finally: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6637031/
yes, its coming. At some point... :)

Oh, and don't forget about Hawaii Furmeet! Its still gonna happen! Least that's the plan...


okay off to bed now. I got to spend another 24 hours in the labor and
delivery unit again tomorrow. Gotta get some sleep for yet another day
full of suicidal thoughts...
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