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Sep 19, 2008 09:45

1. Barack Obama mentioned the Field Museum during his interview with David Letterman. You can't buy that kind of publicity:

Excerpt from the conversation:

Obama: "Grand Canyon was great. My first trip to Chicago was on that trip, and went to the Field Museum, and I still remember this, they had shrunken heads.* Real shrunken heads, which, you know, when you're - 10-year-old boys are kind of strange because," (audience laughs) "or 11-year-old boys, that was fascinating to me. That was actually the highlight. That was almost as good as Disneyland." (Dave, audience laugh)

Dave: "Right up everybody's alley."

Obama: "Shrunken heads." (audience laughs)

Dave: "Shrunken heads, that's right." (audience applauds)

Obama: "I thought that was pretty cool."

Dave: "And did that create any kind of yearning? Did it create any kind of an awareness? Not the shrunken heads, but the whole trip." (Obama, audience laugh) "You know, I mean - "

Obama: "No, you know, what it did, and this is actually something that happens, people ask me, 'Well, what's - you know, what have you learned as you've been campaigning for 19 months?' And you know, you realize what a spectacular country this is." (audience applauds) "And how big it is and how beautiful it is, and so it really underscored for me just how lucky we are to be Americans."

Dave: "Yeah, all right, good enough. We'll be right back with Sen. Barack Obama, ladies and gentlemen."

*Note: the shrunken heads are no longer on display, and have been either repatriated or returned to collections.
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