Aug 08, 2005 10:20
so its been like 3 weeks since i last updated
horse shows bla bla bla
butter went lame this weekend
so that sucked
but i still rode star and she was awesome and got a bunch of ribbons
including 6th in the gamblers choice :D
dimitry yelled at me A LOT more than usual cause he didnt no how to go home
how many times have u showed here dimitry? im 16 how am i sposed to know roads 3 hours away from where i live
then wen we actually got home and opened the trailer
butter was laying down with his front feet sprawled out in front of him and his back legs in stars stall
he was hanging on by the front stall guard
i thought he was going to stop breathing
it was probably the scariest thing id ever seen
u could hear him trying to breath
trying to get him out was even scarier
star was so good and was really careful not to step on him wen she got off
i lifted his head up while they pulled the partition of the trailer over
he started trying to get up and made the partition fall over on top of me
i got out somehow while he was kicking the trailer then he got out and ran around the farm for a half hour
hes got cuts on his front leg and some burns on his hocks
i was so scared wed have to put him down in the trailer or something
my brand new horse, trying to die
omg it was so scary
after all that drama tho im home
for this week at least
that was sposed to be my last horse show, with butter at least, for the summer and he went lame
that sucks
i mite take beths horses to c shows tho
today is the 8th
ill have to find some cash for flowers
since i spent all mine this weekend on pictures a cool horse bracelet and a LOT of clothes
thats pretty much it i think
k bye