[It was a long time ago that Krypta remembered falling into the Bureau by accident, and even longer since she had seen or heard from any of those within it. Still, that made her wonder where they were, and worry- as to why, well. It was a part of being in the Brotherhood. She knew they were fine- they're assassins after all, they had to be. But at
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Comments 10
Instead, she keeps quiet, tilting her head to the side and speaking without a bite, surprisingly.]
[No words of 'jerkass hermit,' no informal greeting of his name- better to start out slow and eventually rebuild what was... well, hopefully what was supposed to be there all along.
Krypta shuffles and leans a bit towards the desk, unsure of where to begin. It's been so long, what does she say to a man who mostly chastised her whenever they met?]
Working late again?
[It's not the easiest of things, but it's better than flat-out insulting him, which she had done many times before, when her temper was more readily flaring. Now that she's been hiding for two years and learned the consequences of betrayal, her temper comes just as easy- but she can hold it ( ... )
[The greeting perturbs him as he does not view her as a member of the order, does not know of what she has been through and is clueless to her development, her growing. While more annoyed at the fact she has the nerve to regard to him in such a manner he dismisses it.]
Until the task is complete there is little need for it. Success is not made behind closed eyes. [A beat.] What brings you here this evening?
It wasn't planned, as the Bureau had disappeared as soon as he did, so to find it here again piqued her curiosity, made her uncertain. For all she knew it could only be a trap, something made to lure her here and then take her away. Who knew when it came to this place, at least.]
You can't exactly perform at your best without it, either.
[It's not said as a challenge, just a statement, something to add onto. It gives her a moment to really think as to how to answer him.]
I don't know. The Bureau disappered when you left. I guess I was surprised to find it here again.
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