My latest phone interview, for an 'environmental planner' for AMEC ( included a great deal of questions about my experience doing IES's, SEPA and NEPA documents, getting permits, and other land use planning tasks. I've done a little here and there, and certainly did several in graduate school, but all my recent experience is in civil transportation design.
He said it sounded like I was more of an engineer than a planner. I told him engineers seem to think I'm more of a planner than an engineer. I already know engineers think planners too 'soft' and planners think engineers too up-tight.
Now I fear I might have too much engineering to do planning, which is weird. Always seemed to me an engineer could become a planner much easier than a planner become an engineer.
I tried to explain I don't fit into boxes very well, but that's a pretty hard sell.
Or so I'm finding out.