Hot Pink!

Nov 08, 2005 17:10

I'm feeling very.. Hot Pink today... Now, you may find it bizarre that I feel like a colour, but I don't find it in the least bit strange, because I often associate my feelings with colours. So today I am feeling Pink! Although I am stressed and way too tired to function properly, I have remained in good spirits all day, and I think I can say that if there was a party on tonight, even with my lack of sleep, I would still go and be the life of the party! So there, take that!

I think it is good every now and again to look at your life and examine it with a fine-tooth comb. I have done that recently, and thouugh I haven't liked some of the results, I am very glad I did. everything that makes up ME has been evaluated and I don't think i'm the same person I was even last week. They say that life is all about "Survival of the fittest", but I don't believe that is entirely true. I now believe that life is about adaption. If things change and you don't change with it, then you're pretty much screwed, but if you're willing to bend and change with the wind, but at the same time stay true to yourself, then you're number one in my books. Of course, we can't always change, there are some things, or some aspects of our life that we will never change, and in a way, that is good.

Lately at UNI (in mathematics), we have been studying about how it is important for the right groundwork to have been laid in childrens minds because it isn't nessescarily the 'patterning' or 'addition' that is important at the time it is originally taught, but rather, it's important that the children understand those concepts so they can go onto larger, more complex things after. For example, Patterning is taught from about grade 1 onwards, but it isn't all that important... BUT, without the fundamental skills of Patterning, further skills such as Algebra would honestly go down the drain. I have come to the conclusion that Life is VERY like that. We go through trials and we can't see how they are important, so sometimes we try to ignore them, forgetting that in the big picture, that hardship could simply be the framework, a step we must take in that stage of life, that we are to learn from so that we know what needs to be done when something like that arises again later down the track.

Today I had a revelation from God, i'm not kidding. For so long he has been trying to tell me that everything I have been through in my life has been building me up, trainging me for the situations that have been arising lately. Not many of you know this, and i would like you to keep quiet about it, but this year has been really hard for me, a few months ago I slipped into depression and things were really really bad, but now looking back, I can see how God has even used that ugly, hard time for his glory, for a benefit in my life. Even in the last week, he has used my experiences to help others/build me up.

So I guess the reason I have shared all this is to remind you all that even the little things that we may not think matter all that much, all those little things contribute to our lives, in even a little way.

Dear friends,
Til next time,
God bless,
Kim xox
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