(no subject)

Jan 21, 2007 21:44

Just letting y'all know that i'm still alive and kicking. Sorry I was awol for a while, only got back from Beach Mission a few days ago...
Mission was awesome, except for the part where I had o go to hospital!!! I had an alergic reaciton to something on like our second day, but I took some antihistemines and thought nothing of it, but then it kept getting worse until both my hands were swelled and i had a rash creeping from my hands to my forearms... Very Odd. Anyways, by our team day off (on like the 11th or something), it still wasn't getting better, and it was itchy and painful, so our Team Directors made the decision to send me to Hospital. Fun Fun... NOT! They gave me a needle in my bum (i'm really not good with needles, so it was quite a horrific ordeal for me!) and to make things worse, as they were injecting me, they said "This might help". In my head I was going "Might?!? This MIGHT work?!?"

Anyways, I'm so buggered, been workin non stop since I got home! Looking forward to having the next 2 days off work!!!

Love and hugs to all,
Kim xox
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