Picking an icon for this post was ungodly difficult

Feb 19, 2009 20:10

Association Meme: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

1. Death Note - Oh Death Note <3 I have been neglecting this fandom, I admit. I shall return to it more fiercely sometime. Assuming other fandoms don't lure me in again. And let's face it, that's HIGHLY probable. Light is my favorite and I'm such a Kira supporter. But then Matt and Mikami walk in and it's like "...Damn. ILU all? <3?" Of course having a Death Note would be sweet because I support the death penalty and I really think his take on it wasn't a bad move. ...With more limitations on who's name is going down of course. The shinigami in general are awesome as well. Oh Jealous~ And random food obsessions make me giggle. Emily swears that if she didn't know better, she would've called me a boy when I don't have my glasses on and have my hair like L's. And I own a those cute chibi magnets, How to Read 13, a Matt card from the Artists' Alley, Death Note, quill pen for it, L cell phone strap that I put on a chain as a necklace instead, a legitimate version of Death Note 2, and a Chinese bootleg version. Not the first one though. D: I surprisingly have no urge to own the actual manga series though. :/

2. glasses fetish - Um, I really don't know what to say to this. XD;;; It's so damn true though. No defense, no excuses. I REALLY like boys with glasses. I find females can't pull off....whatever the heck it is that males do that make me go "...........<333333" when they've got glasses on. I blame attribute it to me liking intelligence and finding that attractive. And of course the "Glasses mean they are smart!" stereotype jumped on the bandwagon and spiraled into a fetish. And, honestly, the whole "cute with glasses, hot without" transformation (for lack of a better word) gets to me pretty hard.

3. Seifer - x Hayner. Okay, I have to say a little more than that. It's his personality. I have a thing for cool, elitist types. Damn if that boy doesn't fit it. (speaking from a KH POV, never had the chance to play FFVIII) And he is SO much fun to mock. "Kneel loser!" I'm sorry baby, but as attractive as you are, when you just STAND there totally, completely unguarded and tell me to kneel, I laugh like a madman. Because it ain't happening. He is also really unfair to cosplayers as you pretty much need a six-pack to do it well. (KH POV, remember?)

4. grammar - Is a secret/not so secret love of mine. I'm a science and math nerd, with a secret love for business, but is also VERY good with grammar. Oh god, where does that put me? Beta for ohkamimajin, will check over anything anyone asks me for grammatical errors and very rarely make them on my own. That'd be a little disconcerting, beta who makes tons of mistakes. o_o; I really don't know where I picked it all up from. Really tiny details I remember looking up/clarifying but my general grammar skills have been around for ages. I blame all the reading I did. Probably secretly snuck its way into my head and made itself all comfortable.

5. dragons - Obvious as all hell. XD I am Vietnamese. I have grown up on these guys as strong, powerful symbols of good and protection. And they are really cool. I get dragon dances every new years! You are a 2 year old and they have you give the money over to the dragon. You get used to it/like it really fast. I've got this really beautiful carved dragon my father bought for me at home. The Oriental version, obviously. I really do like the idea of dragons with wings. But really, Europeans treat them so horribly. D: As soon as I learned what a tattoo was I've wanted one of a Oriental dragon on my right shoulder. Specifically. One of the sides of my class ring in a dragon too. Not that I have any idea whatsoever of where that ring wandered off to. I distinctly put it down on the table and when I walked by later it was not there. I'm very unhappy about that.

Since it would be mean to talk about the L-kind-of-cosplay-but-not-since-it-was-more-an-experiment and NOT provide a picture.

Fanfiction is bad for me. I already have a habit of picking up others habits/quirks, now I am constantly reading about a flailing, capslock abusing boy. Thus, when a beautiful piece of fiction was updated, I made a noise that almost sounded like I was being choked, flailed, and almost took this stupid half of a rocking chair down with me. Again. I am also playing around with the way I write fanfiction with new xxxHolic one. Usually, I just let my brain wander off and do its thing. This works. When the piece is done in one sitting and is probably 500 words at best. Clearly, this new one requires an actual plot and thinking. So, while I'm still not at the level of outlining persay, I am writing scenes as they come to me instead of holding off until I actually make it there. And there has been far more thought put into this already.

cosplay, fanfics, death note, xxxholic, meme

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