Nov 24, 2007 14:44
Oh god, you guys need to kick me or something, I keep starting to write fanfiction and never finishing it. I personally want to get to the good stuff in my AkuDemy and Seifer x Hayner. I don't care if none of you give a crap about my WTF OBSCURE WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THAT fandoms, just make me finish something for once. DDDDD: This is a bad habit and it needs to DIE. ...Along with my staying up to 4 to read fanfiction, but shh~ That's not what we're talking about now. Oh, and anyone wanna lend me their KH2 so I can play through the Roxas days to remember how in the world Seif and Hayner act? Not writing crack right now. Maybe later. XD
Augh, now I have to do the frikkin dishes. Chores are such a pain in the ass. >.o I think they left me all the pots and pans to do too. OIL IS NOT COOL GUYS KTHX.