Well first things first (as it usually is)...
I know I promised to give you an update on Rick Munro (a.k.a. Craig Driscoll the Tattoo King of Hamilton). However, I realized that the only people that ever come here already know the stories.
Rick joined the hells angels. He's in Amsterdam. I know the suspence was killing you.
Speaking of Tat's however... I'm currently designing Kat's... Tat that is... Its a Fleur de l'is inside a three leaf clover inside a maple leaf.... Yeah, i know....
So now kids... Story time. Sunday I was over at a friend's house working on an assignment. It started to get pretty late, so we did what all people in our situation would do... Drink. After a couple of shots of Ameretto (it was her liquor not mine... why would i have ameretto... i hate almonds) we busted out a bottle of 151. Now, in my inebreated state, i couldn't devide by two and thus couldn't figure out that 151 is 75.5%. Thus Derek = Drunk. After watching some of the original Batman with Mike Keaton, I needed to get home and friends needed to get to a bar. So we took the excellent, clean, ever popular Hamilton Street Transit (a.k.a. the bus). On said bus, one friend meets other friend, they get off at the bar but new friend stays on bus with me.
Me - "Hey I'm Derek."
Friend - "Yo, I'm Simon."
Me - "So, what do you do?"
Friend - "Oh... I play Sax for a band called Warsaw Pack."
Which is nuts because i've just been d'ling their album off Kazaa. I was a little enthusiastic, which scared Simon a bit...and rightly so. I don't think you would want a 200 pound guy all dressed up in black jumping up and down infront of you on a bus.
So in conclusion I met Warsaw Pack... well the saxaphone dude... who also plays flute... don't laugh... my cousin plays flute...
But check out Warsaw Pack... their label is G7 Welcoming Committee (
http://www.g7welcomingcommittee.com/) and their website is (