If I don't start tolerating, im going to have a heart attack.

Jan 03, 2006 04:05

Oxymorons: Japanese Honour. Modern Music. Austrialian Significance. Teenage intelligence. Japanese dignity. Chinese Communism. Islamic Literature. American Culture. Modern Democracy. Good Television. European Weakness. Fascist Capitalism. South American Loyalty. North American Loyalty. Canadian Culture. Cowardly French. Japanese Culture. Modern Art. African Government. Modern Development. Tolerant Andrew.


Music died when some band did a song about how they could not 'get no satisfaction'.

Japanese soldiers fought, starved, commmited suicide, killed their families to avoid dishonour, and got nuked (twice) for this: http://www.ofb.net/~frederik/japan-pictures/01-09-18-tokyo/004.shinjuku/005.city-lights-2.jpg
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