Nov 05, 2004 12:33 seems elections have turned out as I guessed...People divided ONCE AGAIN. Those of you who are Kerry fanatics, just incase you don't realize, people would've been up in arms if he won too...I hear that voter turn out was at like a lil. over 60%. That much kicks ass! Other then that, I feel that with how divided our country is into the Liberal and Concervative fields that we may just be facing a Civil War. I support the war and support the troops, and I follow our chain of command because I believe in what they are doing. No matter what happens people in other countries will always hate us...The UN isn't assisting because that bunch of assholes is pussy whipped by France...If France had there way....god help us with what would happen...I mean, WE did have to liberate THEIR homeland in WWII...Course, people will always be people, so what I say is going to affend a bunch of you, and that is fine. I would like to state one thing to people however. This country is FREE, and even with a leader we basically do as we please. I feel President Bush is doing a good job even if alot of you bitch and scream about him. Another thing...According to what I hear the president ended up winning the popular vote by about 3 million people. Well, see yaz