Sep 26, 2008 19:32
"Sorry, sir! Unless you can provide evidence of such attacks or provokings, we can't give you a restraining order," the police clerk chirped, the goddamn smile still on her lips. Growling, Ban slammed a fist down on the desk, then spun on his heel, jamming a cigarette between his lips.
At least he'd waited until he was back out on the sidewalk before lighting up. Exhaling, Ban rolled his eyes with an irritated sigh. Figures that the stupid place was already rehashing supposed "viruses" and "illnesses." Figures the fucking genderbending one would hit again. Figures that goddamn Jackal would be hit again.
For a moment, Ban wondered if this was the work of Hades; the gods were responsible for some of the calamities, and it would make sense, seeing as the teenybopper Lord of the Underworld was still putting off Ban's request to even go there, much less retrieve Rider's soul from the Underworld.
He wasn't about to start wandering the streets this time, though. He remembered what had happened the last time that occurred. No, this time Ban was going to stay in a public place, and not go anywhere with the Transporter. If he had to, he'd scream "rape." With the way Akabane had been talking, it seemed that the latter option was going to be the one Ban would go with.
And so he leaned against the wall of the police department, smoking and looking over the crowd, trying to figure out a loophole that would let him get a restraining order against Jackal. At least until this stupid episode was done and over with.
so ttly not worried,
blackmail's a bitch,
stupid friggin viruses,