Because I'm late to the party after a long weekend, and have about ten minutes before I have to haul ass to work.
→ Ban: Going along with the "what if they never met" thing like Rider - instead of stepping foot into the Limitless Fortress and meeting Ginji, Ban's still a plunderer (thief) in the streets after Yamato's death. So he'll still be an ass - but even more of an ass. And even more blunt.
→ Rena:
This sounds good. Lemme know if you think of anything more for it.
→ Nabooru: What if Link never woke up? Gerudo Valley is still sealed off from the outside world, and Nabooru hates anything with a Y chromosome.
→ Vincent: WHAT IF HE WAS NEVER WOKEN UP? 8B Not doing anything with him, so he'll be catching up on his sleep. Or wondering what the hell is wrong with all of you.
SPEAK UP OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE 'cause shit I gotta get to work. *zips off*