Slippery Slope

Jan 06, 2009 18:36

I need to get this off my chest. I've been reading articles lately where the term "slippery slope" has been bandied about as an excuse. I'm sorry to say that the idea of "slippery slope" is, frankly, BULLSHIT. It's less an argument for discussion and more of an argument by stupid people to make other stupid people more afraid.

Why is this so?

Because it is in fact about stupidity. Or to put in in another way, people use the idea of "slippery slope" to use other bad ideas that might be connected to an idea they already hate and wish to show other people they hate it by showing that connection. Chocolate is still yummy chocolate no matter how much you put it next to a turd and say, "Hey! This is what it's going to look like when it comes out the other end."

Take for example, THE SUN. Did you know in our very distant future there's the possibility it will go supernova, or collapse into a neutron star and kill us all if we aren't already dead from our stupidity. Do we want to go down that "slippery slope" with the sun. Better ban it I say.

Too daft an example? How about love. Did you know love could lead to sex? OMG! and if someone's too one sided it could become rape. Better ban love then cause you know where that "slippery slope" could lead.

Point I'm making here is that intelligent people look at the facts of each case as it arises and don't lump all possible scenarios into a vat of misery and depression.
I guess what really brought this on is its use in the banning of gay marriage. (i.e. legendary Prop 8)

I consider myself an atheist now despite my Catholic upbringing. I feel this has increased my morality somewhat as I devise my ideas of morality from what works rather than from ancient text telling me, "Do this or ELSE!"

One of the simple ideas that comes from morality is adult consent. (i.e. Letting other people do things to you/for you because you said they could.) Notice I said adult consent because children don't know enough to give proper consent to their actions. It's not that they're stupid, (I've seen some pretty bright kids in my time.) it's because they haven't gained enough knowledge, through experience, to understand the logical outcomes and ramifications of their own actions.

This isn't a moral statement but should be said. DON'T BE STUPID. (This will make sense in a sec.) Question and ask about your world and I guarantee you'll become smarter. Statements like,"Because I say so." or "That's the way it is." turn your arguments into self serving opinions. Therefore, YOU LOSE.

So now that's in place let's look at those things we will slide down into with our "slippery slope" if we allow gay marriage.

1. Polygamy

Why not actually? If they're all consenting it sounds kind of cool. Of course it fucks up laws of ownership and such and the chances of three or more staying together are more compounded than the problems only two people have. If we're talking about harem like situations, well in most cases they're not consensual though there's nothing a little brainwashing religion can't fix. *cough mormons cough*


Not consensual so no. Not gonna happen. And while we're on the subject, many pedophiles are heterosexual so why aren't traditional marriages a slippery slope? Just asking.

3. Beastiality

See Pedophilia

4. Incest

Damn! Can't use not consensual here. Let's use my second idea. DON'T BE STUPID. Inbreeding doesn't let new ideas into the system. ergo - stupidity. Of course you can't make laws against stupidity but anyone who's seen the movie, "Idiocracy" may make people think that the legalisation of marriage for those in-family is, well, STUPID!

Simple answer to all this. People will discuss controversial ideas when they arise. They won't jump head first into them like a pig into mud. "Slippery slope" arguments say they will. Only crazy people leap before they look. I like to think us, as a people, are not that, well, STUPID!
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