May 01, 2011 08:15

Термостат подвел.
Старт отложен до понедельника.
Среда - крайний срок, потому что если термостат  шаттла не будет починен до этого времени и ENDEAVOUR не стартует, то запуск будет отложен до 9 мая, если опять не будет какого-нибудь конфликта с расписанием полетов других космических аппаратов.
Жена командира корабля, Габриэль Джиффордс, член Конгресса, была немного разочарована, но считает, что безопасность - прежде всего.
Да и Обама обещал опять присутствовать на следующем запуске.

красным цветом указан неисправный термостат.

гроза накануне старта...

Technicians will work through the night, testing all the systems that have ties to the malfunctioning thermostat, Beutel said. The launch team will meet at 9 a.m. Sunday to discuss the progress and whether to clear Endeavour for launch at 2:34 p.m. Monday. To meet the target time, the shuttle would have to begin launch preparations at 3 p.m. Sunday, Beutel said. Fueling would begin at 4:45 a.m. Sunday.
NASA's cancellation of the launch ruined what was to be a historic day brimming with the emotion of gravely wounded Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords as she saw her husband command the shuttle program's next-to-last flight into space.
A faulty thermostat on an auxiliary power unit delayed the launch for at least 72 hours. In the most optimistic scenario, launch director Mike Leinbachsaid the earliest the shuttle could launch would be 2:33 p.m. Monday.

NASA has until Wednesday to launch. If the Endeavour is unable to launch by then, the mission will be delayed until May 9th or 10th so it does not conflict with other missions, including the launch of the Atlas V, a commercial rocket launching from Cape Canaveral, and the undocking of the Soyuz, Mike Moses, the chairman of the shuttle's mission management team.
Giffords is disappointed about the delay, but realizes mission safety is a priority, her office said in a statement.
"Launch delays are not uncommon with the space shuttle," the statement said. "We are looking forward to the quick rescheduling of this scientifically important mission."
Giffords met with President Obama and the first family, who toured Kennedy Space Center and met with the crew and their families on Friday.

веселые молодожены

реабилитационный центр

пятница, 29 апреля

едут обратно

старт был отменен в последний момент из-за грозы в четверг, которая повредила хвостовой термостат

http://www.floridatoday.com/article/20110424/NEWS02/104240327/For-Kelly-Giffords-s-an-Endeavour-love - эндевор  любви

space, космос, world, america, scientific, инфо

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