May 15, 2006 13:02
I woke up this morning and relaized that I was going back to Athens tonight. The idea of this excited me because I love going back to Athens after being home/bored for long periods of time.
I then realized that there is nothing in Athens to go back to.
Scott won't be there. This did not seem to bother me. I have been preparing myself for that.
However, there is no one at my apartment right now.
The thought of going home to an empty apartment that will remain empty for two weeks makes me quite sad.
Will it get better?
I have two awesome people, Andrew and Megan, that I can spend time with while the world is gone.
By gone I mean in China, which is a part of the world, therefore that makes no sense.
I get to go see Wicked!!!
Hopefully, I will be visited by some cool kids so we can have a party of sorts! ;)
Two hour Will and Grace finale!!! Hello!! It's gonna be the best, saddest thing I have ever watched!!
And... I have classes.
I am not sure what to epxect out of this. 15 days of class goes by REALLY fast. And what am I taking....?
Beginning Golf.
This could be a disaster. 15 days of an hour and a half, or so, of hitting balls at the driving range. Fun or interesting...? We shall see.
Foundations of Performance Design.
I have always had an interest in theater. I did some things with theater while in high school.
But what will it be like to actually take a drama class?
Will I remain interested?
Will it be a dream come true?
These are things I shall find out tomorrow morning I suppose.
So, my summer, so far, has been oddly enjoyable. I have not been as emotional as I expected about people leaving.
I will miss them... A LOT... no question.
But living on your own is a part of life.
So, I may get bored quite a bit, and I may get lonely on occassion (night just sucks when you are alone).
I honestly think I am going to have a lot of fun for some reason though.
This seems weird to me.
Oh well.
Shout out to all my China peeps!! Hope the traveling is safe. Don't get killed in Korea!! :p
Much love!!