Alley Bear

Jul 25, 2008 23:49

My baby girl is sick! She puked twice, and had diarrhea on her butt. (No hairballs)

Today, we sat outside for an hour, and I had a water bowl and tried to keep it shady, while my car was getting its oil changed. She started panting and I tried to give her water, but she didn't want it, which is incredibly bizarre for her because she loves water. We were on grass, because I thought that would be more comfortable for her; she kept going under cars (parking lot).  I don't think the lawn was recently sprayed--I didn't see little lawn signs--plus my dad said it rained buckets in Mankato this morning.

I don't know if she got into anything outside yesterday or this morning at my parents. I don't know if she even went outside this morning. I didn't let her out, and she was inside when I got up (she woke me up.) It was also very hot and I tried to keep her cool, but maybe she still got mild heat stroke. Her coat doesn't seem as healthy today. Kinda dull. With a mild....stickiness or wetness, I'm not sure how to describe it.

I'm bringing her into the vet tomorrow, because I want to make sure she's healthy.  She also spent some time at the Mankato Wilcon office (during supper, I wasn't about to leave her in a parked car for more than five minutes on a day like today), so I called my dad (woke him up) and asked him if there is any mouse poison there or anything bad she could ingest. He said there is not, so I ruled that out. If it had been a risk, I would have found a place for her to go tonight.

I took her temperature orally (so it's probably not very accurate- she didn't like that thing in her mouth). It was 101.2, which is in the acceptable range for a cat.

Well, I'm worried and feel like crying because she is my baby and I feel responsible for her being sick. I hate seeing her sick. She's lethargic.
Is it something she ate? Is it the heat? Is she sick with something else and the symptoms showed now?

I'm even feeling superstitious right now, wanting to ask my parents to pray for her. Even though, in reality, that won't do anything.

I want her to be okay! She is my life.

vomiting, alex, sickness, diarrhea, cats, pets

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