Ah, list time:

Oct 26, 2005 18:47

The good:
No bio lab today
Almost done with the chem lab that was due Monday (but not counted late til after tomorrow)
I got all 125 points on my calc exam from last Tuesday. Plus all five extra credit. That was a pleasant surprise

The bad:
I failed my chemistry test last Wednesday.
I think I failed my biology test on Monday. We went over it in class today.

The good:
I don't really care as long as I pass the classes. Yay!
I'm a failure yay!
(Or maybe that's bad. I dont' care. Yay apathy!)

I just have to draw the mechanism on my lab and the reaction and I'm done with the chem lab write up.
I want to get my calc done so I don't have to bring it home this weekend. Well, I don't even have to finish it since I can do some of it in class Monday.

I have some reading to do for my religion class tomorrow. Just a couple chapters.

I kinda need to bring some chem and bio home this weekend and do some studying.

Mechanisms are starting to make a little more sense (chemistry).
Biology is making a little bit more sense, too.

I'm hungry again.


Cookies, maybe?

classes, failing, tests, lists, chemistry

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