
Nov 16, 2010 17:55

I find my situation about to change again with this up coming move and i find myself being afraid of what the future holds for me. It's been fairly easy to ignore the fact that things are actually going to be different for me now but with the move a month away it's become hard to not think about it. I don't feel ready for it.

i spose once I'm ready to move from my family's I'll just end up getting a small apartment somewhere. I've never actually had my own place. I've always lived with people. I'm not ready for that yet either.

I'm planning to start creating figurines again once i move to help keep me distracted from things and to keep me busy. if i do open up to take commissions I'll be sure to post sample pics and announcements here for anyone that may be interested. ^ ^

I'm not sure why i started this post really. i think i got off topic of what it was i wanted to say but whatever. I wish i knew what the future held because i need guidance. or a pause button to buy me time to deal with it.

i feel nervous and uncertain. i wish i was as strong as i let people think i am but too often i feel like those tiny vibrating dogs, if that makes sense.

Dear Future, please be kind.

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