Nov 30, 2008 17:24
heyas all, been awhile since i made a post so like here goes.
MFF was okay but not great. i really did feel out of place like i thought i might but i did have some fun with the friends i got to spend time with so i'm thankful for that. other friends that assured me they would have time for me at the con because of my worries then made no effort to once there were disappointing to me but i'm sure they have there reasons. i'm expecting my next con (FC) to be more fun since it's a lil further away time wise.
Thank you to those that helped make my con good.
this is qutoed from an American truck driver i had to unload at work.
"can i ask ya a question?"
me "sure"
"umm do you guys have gas in Canada?"
me "*blinkblink* what? really? dude your parked in our parking lot"
"umm sorry i meant am i allowed to buy your gas, cause i'm American"
me "*blinkblink* your serious? *he nods* umm yeah *blinks* "
it kinda went on from there but those were the best parts. he came from Alabama so i give him credit for getting as far as he did hehe.
okay bye bye fluffs