The answer to that seems to be no. We lost pull on Fafnir, but we did win the /random for the chance to fight should the claiming LS wipe. It might have been that LS's first faf, not sure, but the dragon won that round. They slept him for long periods time repeatedly, and though we left him alone for several minutes after he was back to roaming free (was at 100%hp at time of wipe), it seems his sleep resist didn't reset. This made it impossible to sleep him for more than a second, but we had him to about 54% without sleeping, before someone accidently paralyzed a darter. It got pretty hairy with faf awake & several flies, but we made it through. Around 5% he went a little wing happy, but we survived. I went as rng/whm, and even though my damage was a little down, stoneskin was a big help & i tossed out a curaga here and there.
Grats to kinta on mitts, hito on gilfinder+ gloves, and Cheez on Hrotti.
Damn right, im intimidating:
Before Faf, xp'd for a little bit on decos with some LS peeps... 5 man pt, mnk, thf, nin, rdm, blm. No roaming, just alternated clearing the rooms off the main entrance, quick 10k or so, enough buff to get off xp & back to merit mode on thf.
DMG wasn't bad- frequently breaking 1k with /nin, squid, and no brd.
Learned Blade: Ten & am sitting about 7k from 67. Anxiously awaiting 70...
This was pretty random, bazaar comment gave me a chuckle while checking out rolanberry-mall:
Damn, im getting old.