So some good news! I submitted a project to the ISTD (International Society of Typographic Designers) and I passed! So that makes me a fancy type nerd now ;-) As far as I know, I also get to go to an award ceremony next month, which will be awesome!!
The brief was to take two film quotations, one classic (pre-1980) and one contemporary (post-1980) and typographically represent them.
I chose a quote from the 1976 film Network, and one from 1999's Fight Club.
The theme gluing the two together was a general bitterness towards to mass media/primarily television.
The brief only asked to interpret two quotes, but I felt like it was a bit ambiguous, so I expanded the brief to include a program for a film festival.
I apologise for the quality of these images, I had to quickly take them on the morning of the submission! oops!
Anyhoo - it's an A1 poster that folds down. The middle would be perforated so the two posters could be detached from each other, making separate posters :)
Any comments very welcome, of course :D
this is the front with the Network quote (the other information relates to the fictitious information I created about the film festival, and this side documents the classic films)
and the back with the fight club quote (the other information relates to the fictitious information I created about the film festival, and this side documents the contemporary films)
some background info: I hand-cut all these letters. I made an entire alphabet out of foam and set it onto cardboard, making some cheap-ass letterpress-style letters. I then loaded them up with paint and tried to put some meaning into the words :)
some details:
It folds down to the 'mad as hell' bit - that's the title of the festival, inspired by the most memorable quotation from Network. I also thought it suited the theme of the festival.
I printed on 100gsm paper to get some nice show-through, reinforcing my grid
some of the info stuff...I spent ages typesetting this XD
I think I might add some of the real scanned letters and images later on :) thanks for looking!