Sep 22, 2004 21:40
Now I know I haven't been updating a lot lately but RL has been reeking havoc on me. As seen on my last post I was hit by a lovely moving vehicle and the pain killers they have been giving me, have made me more zonked then a zombie on a bender.
Well anyway that's not why I am posting. I require some help. Now my husband is going away for ten days soon and I have decided to go hire some movies that maybe he wouldn't like to see. But when I get down to the video store my mind goes a blank. So I need some suggestions people on some flicks that may be suitable for me as a female alone, and I want as many as you can give me. Hell I never watch the telly so I am going to go on a huge binge. So hit me with your chick flicks, indie movies, drama, comedy you name it. Oh and I would dearly love some suggestions on some trashy reading aswell as I rarely buy anything that doesn't at least make me think. So the junkier the better.
I Just hope you can all help me.....