Title: Introducing the DBSK Family (A Pic Fic)
Author: JaeYunShii
Genre: Fluff, Crack
Pairing: YunJae,YooSu, and Baby Changmin
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters only the plot.
Summary: Baby Changmin describes (and complains) his family. (This is what happens when I'm
bored...LOL enjoy!)
"Hello Everyone, my name is Changmin ,nice to finally meet you all~ I'm here today to talk about my family."
"This is my family. There's my handsome and amazing appa Yunho,my gorgeous and dazzling umma Jaejoong (Best
thing about him is that he cooks so darn well); there's also my pretty and loud noona(?) Junsu and my suave and greasy (He disgusts me sometimes) brother-in-law Yoochun."
"We are normally a very happy loving family, but lately they've been getting on my last nerves... here are some reasons of the many reasons why..."
(Ewwwww! Look at him stuffing his face! How disgusting can you get?!)
"First off, Yoochun hyung! He always tries to steal my food away from me! He would then pig out disgustingly in front of me (my poor and precious food T^T) and give me that evil smirk whenever I stare appallingly at him... chi...stupid hyung...I dont know what Junsu noona saw in you!"
(Psh...as if that look's gonna work...hmph!)
"Then he would give me this innocent face and pout after he had gone and ate all of my precious food... thinking he's all cute and what not....psh WHATEVER! "
"Whenever I tell him 'Please don't eat my food, for I am still a growing boy', he would then say : Grow? What do you mean grow? You're already taller than me, you don't need to grow anymore you fat ass!" He would then laugh his head off thinking that he's so smart for coming up with that "witty" response...
Well Yoochunie Hyung, you're old and you have wrinkles when you smile! So take that!"
(I got this from my hidden files by the way....*snicker*)
"And this is what he does when I ask him to help with the household chores.. ugh. What a slacker! I am sooo telling Umma and Noona about this!"
"He's totally got the "Wang-Ja-Byun" Syndrome too, constantly checking himself out.. even with the back of a CD.. aigoo."
"Now my noona Junnie is the cutest thing ever, but he does this cutesy expression too much... I'm bored with it. And he also keeps on stealing my role as the baby of the family! Aish that guy..."
"But I gotta say his deadly curve is rather envy worthy...He's a kamo butt that's why! Ahahahahaha~"
"Noona and Hyung often display a mean case of PDA... look at their sad Titanic attempt! How lame!"
"And look at this other weird picture of them! Ewww!"
"How kinky...."*pukes* "GET A ROOM YOU DORKS!"
"Don't they know I'm too young to see stuff like this???"
*sigh* "Anyway enough about that weird couple! Now I want to talk to you guys about my appa Yunho and my umma Jaejoong!"
"My Umma JaeJoong is the best! He's pretty and he cooks for me, and that's why I love him so."
"Not to mention he has a killer waist line that most girls would probably start starving themselves when they find out umma's real waist size! Maybe that's why appa can never take his eyes off umma...."
(God umma...act like your age please!)
"My umma also likes stealing stuff from me! He especially loves my special hamtori pjs that appa bought for me..."
(Shh! I got these from appa's supposedly secret stash of pictures! Don't tell anyone I showed you these okay?")
"At home, umma has a habit of going around the house topless....poor appa can never concentrate on his paper works whenever he's home."
"And of course my appa Yunho is the best! Umma says that I got a lot of my good qualities from him! Ahh...look at how handsome my appa is...I am proud to say that I inherited my looks and my manliness from him."
(Appa's sappy lovey-dovey look...creepy I know...)
(Omo...appa looks like he's gonna pounce umma any minute! Ewww!)
(Is appa doing what I think he's doing?)
(Don't they look like a lovely couple?)
"But appa often ignores everyone and everything when Umma and him are together... He goes all mushy and gooey whenever he's around." (It's very disturbing sometimes...gives me the chills....)
"But when it comes to me...my Appa and Umma always give love and attention. See how loved I am? "
"One flaw of Appa is that he has a very weird sleeping habit...Yoochun hyung said that it is a habit that can never be cured or fixed."
(Umma looks like he's about to pounce! What did I do now?!)
"Anyway my appa and umma would often lecture me together. How mean is that?!"
"But even though they bully me together sometimes, I'm glad that that they are my parents! I got appa's big chest and umma's slim waist.. thank God for good genes!"
"Ahhh....I keep on complaining about my family... sorry about that." (Bad Changminnie!)
"Anyway, even though my family can be a bit crazy and is a little bit on the weird side, I still love them all!"
~"Changminnie! Dinner is ready!"~
"Oops! Thats my umma calling! Well thank you guys for chatting with me. I hope to see you all again soon!"
The End
A/N: Thank you guys for viewing! And comments are love as always. =)