Title: It All Started With A Dare...
jaeyunshii and
jun_4_everRating: PG-13 to NC-17 (We will community lock NC-17 chapters)
Length: Series
Genre: Comedy, Romance,Fluff, Crack,Smut, Slight Angst
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu,ChangTa
Disclaimer: We do not own DBSK or Furuya Keita. We only own
the plot.
Summary: Six bored high school boys, one empty bottle, and a game
of truth or dare. It doesn't get better than this!
Hi everyone!! This is the first collab fic between jun_4_ever and myself. We both collaborated in writing it so please tell us what you think!
ONE THING TO NOTE: The first three chapters to this story as well as the prolouge will be viewable to the public but the last three will contain mature themes so they will be community locked! PLEASE JOIN THE COMM WHEN WE POST THOSE CHAPTERS IN ORDER TO READ!
Character Intro )
Proulouge )
Chapter 1- Yoochun is better suited at being a pervert than at being cruel….actually he is good at both. )