Man, I hate trying to clean up my LJ. I feel like things are all over the freakin' place. Makes me want to delete the whole thing and start over. This is why I had started a community for my fic, but then I realized that there were things I couldn't do on a community that I could on a regular journal.
So, an update.
With the muse back, I am jumping head first back into the world of fic. I'm a quarter or so into the next chapter of The Trouble With Keeping Promises and I have a basic outline for the rest. This is exciting stuff, people. I am finally going to be able to write the sentence that got me writing this damned thing in the first place. It will be a couple chapters after this one, but still! It's been a rocky road and I'm sure most people have already forgotten about me, but what matters is that I will finish this.
Personal Attention, however, is not fairing as well. I have no interest in writing it anymore. I am hoping, though, that once I get back to writing consistently again that I will be able to finish it. If not, I am thinking of pulling it from the archives. It's just a bummer to have it up there and never to be able to complete it. Like, hello, here's your fail.
Got some stuff in the works. Obviously, the Truancy sequel, which I am trying to figure out how to keep under ten chapters. That's not working out so well. LOL. PWP is just not my bag, apparently. I have the prompt for my favorite roomie
spikes_cj, about male strippers. This one is actually two different stories and I can't figure out which one I like better (or hate more, depending on the day, haha). Maybe we'll get lucky and I'll finish them both. The others are just in the works. A dabble until the stories flesh out into workable order.
And...just watched the Wedding Band episode with James. A lot of people commented on his appearance and not in a good way, but I gotta say, I thought he looked great. I dig the curly, slightly 80's Prince vibe hair. Nothing will ever be platinum blond perfection again, but this was much better than the attempt to straighten out and slick back. If you're a fan of his, the episode is a definite must see. If you're not...why the hell are you reading my LJ anyway?