Aug 03, 2005 05:48
It's 5:30 in the morning and all I can do is just sit here in write in my semi-sleep state. Do you ever think of what you could have been doing at this moment right now if things were just a little bit different? I mean imagine one part of your life you chose the other way instead of one way, like you chose left instead of right...what do you think it would be like? yes the smart-ass answer would be well I chose left instead duh! But you know I was just thinking...if we didn't have the things that have happened to us affect the way they did, would things be different? I think they would...I mean just one little thing that seems so insignificant at the time could change it all.
Would you let something physically or mentally challenging stop you from accomplishing your dream? OR would you be one of the few who stop for nothing to accomplishing matter how painful, no matter how emotional, no matter how many times people say no or say that you cannot do it. After getting up so many times after being beaten down...would you still get up...? or is that what we label as insanity, where someone repeatedly does the same thing and ends up with the same result?
Do you ever wonder if things will just finally form without any complications? if there is an exception to "where there's a good, there's a bad" ? Or is it all human mentality, therefore believing to every good there is a bad, when something good happens you expect and even unknowingly look for something bad? Just to support your theory...or is it really that way?
Does it seem like a lot of the time the nice ones finish last? I mean think of it...there are those people who deserve what they have, they are sincere they worked hard to accomplish there goals and are just overall good people who know that what they have is a blessing because of all the hard work that wen into it...they're grateful for everything...but then theres people who take for granted what they have, they didn't work hard and they are the most cold-hearted people ever all while most of the world is still working hard to make ends meet...I don't know...whatever rambling...
There's no reason in particular to why I am writing this, I just simply am. But due to the fact that I am half asleep and I do some of my more "thoughtful" posts when I'm half asleep...makes this special...SO FEEL SPECIAL! sleep now.