Apr 16, 2006 08:10
Haha, ok ok, I'm not being morbid.
I was just watching "Hook" and thought... what a profound statement! I mean, lets say you got shot in the chest. In that burst of agonizing pain, would there be a glimmer of excitement under all that? Could you, while your mind is racing with the vision of blood all over you, think "wow, this could be a great adventure."
Well, I'm a nerd and went to dictionary.com to check the actual definition. It came up with three that were realevant:
An undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature.
An undertaking of a questionable nature, especially one involving intervention in another state's affairs.
An unusual or exciting experience.
Ok, well it seems like an adventure would have to be something you would choose, and I have to say it'd be really hard to choose death... unless it's suicide I guess. Truthfully, I don't think suicide is an adventure as much as it is cowardace... that's a whole other posting for a different time. So people who sacfifice themeselves maybe? They would undertake death, so would their death be considered an adventure? And do you think any of them are thinking it is when they're dying?
Ok, now I'm rambling... I just thought it was a very interesting statement. Well, time to get ready for the day.