Just another Manic Monday

Aug 25, 2008 12:06

A is a booger. He decided to wake up REALLY EARLY!!! and decide that mom needed to be awake too. Yippi. But I understand why he was up. It was raining... and the schools might be called off. Quick get on the internet and see if the day has been called off. Do I really need to get dressed, what if school is off today? Then can I put my jammies back on? Are you sure that I need to eat breakfast school might be called off, its RAINING!!!
So, he gets dressed and goes to school. While he was getting dressed, I realized that I havn't heard the AC fan kick on for a bit. So I go and check. Hummm... its 82 degrees in my house. HUH!!! So I call E and said, WTF! Wheres my AC? (Its kinda hard to be an AC princess if I don't have AC) So he has me check to see if its turned on (yep) see if the pipes ahve frozen (nope) make sure that the heat pump is on (yep). Then call for someone to fix it (done and waiting).
Then I get a call... is it the AC guys? Maybe, hopefully? PLEASE!!! Nope... the dr. I have to go for an hour drive for more tests cause there are worries about baby, so they are sending me to a specialist... Can't worry me too much cause the appt is on the 8th. I figure if it was really bad then the appt would be sooner.
Ok, back to watching the phone and waiting for the AC guys to get to me... *sigh*
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