Dec 02, 2005 21:11
Waiting to go see Rent with my some B Day Bunch. Been waiting to see it, although some of you (no names needed) tried to deter me just because it's a musical.....hopefully it will be worthwhile, both monetarily and time wise. Sometimes the movies really give you insight. It can be the perfect picture for a particular mood or dilemma or week of your life. That's what I enjoy most about going. The possibility.
Kae curled my hair. My personal hairdresser. Woo hoo. This week has been pretty good. I didn't have much work due which is always a plus. Next week is a different story. Gotta get myself in gear for the paper writing. I feel like there's a good paper somewhere inside me, just gotta find it. It was great to see Christina over break. Our lives are such madness these days it took us like four hours just to catch each other up on the latest news. Yet she always understands and always, always listens and it's seriously such good medicine. It's the best feeling there is. After spending time with her I feel centered and calm and amazing. A good friend can really put things in perspective.
Mmmm. What else to say? My brother just got his driver's license and it's kind of strange to think about. I can remember everything about the two of us when we were young. How we'd run in the rain and spend hours in trouble. So many hours were spent pretending; constructing certain other worlds in our tree house in the back. Cemented to that tire swing, busy pestering one another, seeing who could go the highest on the swings, looking at the sky, and feeling the grass. It was a myriad of all that. The barefeet and the sunburned skin and the going outside together every day after school. Parading around the neighborhood with our little gang of friends. Greg and I would go on missions and tell one another secrets we thought we could keep from Mom and Dad. We were friends then. I feel sort of disconnected to my brother now. He has lost that innocent sweetness. He traded it in for sports teams, popularity, and the unnecessary arrogance that comes with being sixteen. He has a lot to learn and at least in that I feel a part of him, for I felt the things he once felt, I did the things he is now doing. I experimented and broke rules and thought those times and those nights would never end. I just hope he can see the bigger picture. I hope he remembers bikerides and laughter and how the sunlight felt on the two of us when the world was just for brothers and sisters and mischief. God, those were great times. Those were the times I'll still recall at sixty. When I'm old and tired and want to feel something real and true. He is forever mine. We share what no one else shares. And when he remembers and we are back on the same path again, when he is finished with the silliness of highschool and teenage woes, I will be there. My arms will be open. Nothing is like the love of family. Greg is my past, present, and future. Together we explain the unexplainable. Only he and I know the beginning of our lives. That is the mystery solved.
Suddenly want to go eat dinner with my family. Maybe this weekend. Have a good one everybody!
Loooooooooove always, Jae
P.S-I miss Europe too Age. Desperately, as always.