Yesterday contained a strange mixture of studies into humanity and pre-humanity that sent my poor brain into a tizzy, and when it was too tired to think or put anything together anymore. When it was done, a movie I watched late and long did it for me. It is the scariest shit I have ever seen. It had subtitles on tv, but speaks for itself...
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To narrate what happened...
So I spent some time blogging, thoughts vacillating between monism, dualism, and poly-ism(?), and perhaps -entheisms..
I watched some tv, which I speak of later, and joined a group on myspace called Abrahamic faiths. They are devoted to monotheism and find some unity through Abraham. Jewish, Christian, Muslim. Well one one guy said Allahu ahad; another said 'sorry Elohim is plural'; and I may have finished my thesis by saying that Elohim may be (either Mosaic or later) reinvention of the appropriation of the El pantheon by positing it as unified. Since Elohim is later than the patriarchs it seems to be an explanation of some sort, and could've been Mosaic (especially since things will become decidedly monotheistic under Moses) or later if you need to put it later...
But, by the end of the mental tilt-a-whirl... Some things I came up with. Strangely, since I'm a Calvinist, I've thought in terms of "seed" theory, but the"seed" of God, is spiritually genetic. E.g. that you can't tell who is of God (or I guess of the other place). But, what I never realized about the human story, is that in the myths the seed of God (or the devil) is quite literal. It can be passed on through the generation; Jesus rebuffed people for 'seed of Abraham' defences... There are branches of skinhead that teach master race 'seed' theories, illuminati, masonic, or other branches of secret society that teach 'seed', perhaps this all is the reason the Dan Brown stuff caught on so well...
The other part of the narrative is that you can be inaugurated into the "eternal life" paradigm. Vampire-ologies, some of the drug culture, and in some sense the Nicodemus story place the mode of eternality outside the individual, and it that way, require some action to bring them into a new way of life (probably the work of experienced members).
To top the night with that Fanny and Alexander movie was overload for my brain. It posits that there are realities one on top of another, which play out concurrently.
Then, once everyone else is supposed to be asleeep there were two public access local evangelists, poor, black, spinning their understanding of Scriptures to their audience as best they could. A man with a staff, railing on the excesses of drinking, womanizing, and such that he sees in his culture. Another, a black evangelist who is preaching about yhwh and horribly mistranslating and misinterpreting Hebrew (that he can't read) for the audience.
Further, the infomercials... 3 different ones... 'Christian' evangelists selling 'miracle oil', prayer cloths, or for a fee you can have your own 'word of knowledge' ?a Christian forturne cookie?.
Mineral makeup that you brush on. Cash flow schemes through real estate, peddling junk on the internet SMC, or through selling hope (I really don't know...)
What in the world is the world all about?
And finally, the program that I watched while dozing off, was about how benobo monkey societies are perhaps even closer than chimp societies to human. Though the first generation didn't take to language acquisition very well, the second generation seemed to have language acquisition imprinted as instinctual. They taught the monkey to use lexographs that repeat the word they just said... When they asked the monkey to find "Sue" he looked around the room for Sue because she was just in there. Then they said, find the lexograph for Sue, his little finger went right over to the terminal pushed sue. They took him on a camping trip to remind him of the real wild, he built a campfire and roasted hotdogs and got excited for the marshmallows... Then they taught him how to play pacman. Pacman. Also, he used a mouse to do stuff on the computer...
They closed the program saying that Benobo societies have a more egalitarian arrangement. The men share more in the care of the young (compared with chimp or human societies), and tasks that other species dedicate to the female... They live in closer proximity than chimps, and don't really fight. Can't say that about chimps or humans...